
Showing posts from June, 2016

Whit Sasser's Exhortations & Stuff

Whit Sasser's Exhortations & Stuff: Say What? It is no wonder that people misunderstand me when I preach. No, I am not referring to my frequent verbal faux pas, mangling of multiple syllabic words, or even the occasional  disconnect between my brain and mouth and sometimes the inserted foot makes for a bad connection. No, what I mean is I am not surprised that people misunderstand me because even the apostles were misunderstood. First century inspiration referred to the apostles, not the listeners, being inspired. The hearers had to “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1). And just like many of my math tests, sometimes the grade just didn’t “add up.” When Paul wrote 1 Thessalonians, apparently a contingent of Christians misunderstood concerning the timing of the coming of Christ and taught others wrongly who consequently believed wrongly. So Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians. When Paul wrote 1 Corinthians, he had to correct a misunderstanding from a former


This is to wish you a happy new month of June. We are also using this opportunity to inform you of our new Blog, so as to improve our service delivery. We are eternally committed to the preaching/teaching of God's Word. Dearest Brethren, do not loose your hope in our God. Be vigilant, be sober, He comes quickly, Amen.