
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Danger Of The Dance

The Danger Of The Dance Avon Malone Waukegan, Ill. America is tottering on the brink of moral decay. This fact becomes evident to anyone who would carefully observe the unmistakable trend of the times. One out of every four marriages in this country ends in divorce. According to the F.B.I., one million illegitimate children are born annually. Not long ago a doctor who lives near one of the largest universities in the land said that he was convinced that at least 90 per cent of the young men and women of that far-west university had had sex relations before marriage. All of this points to an obvious conclusion; our generation is speeding toward the abyss of moral debauchery.   TIME TO TAKE A STAND Our great concern is that the worldliness so prevalent today is even threatening to engulf that last citadel of virtue -the church of the living God! The time has come for elders, preachers, teachers, all Christians to cry out courageously against the sins of the day. As the clario


ARE CHRISTIANS SINNERS OR SAINTS? For some reason, Christians like to point out the fact that they are sinners.  We hear such things as:  "I am no saint."  Or, "The church is filled with imperfect, sinful people."  They do this to encourage the sinners of the world to come to church.  They do this to express their humility.  They do this because they know they have sin in their lives. There is, however, a difference between Christians and those in the world.  Christians are saints.  They are purified.  They are set apart.  They have a holy purpose to serve in the kingdom of God.   For some reason, we have difficulty expressing the idea that we are God's "holy ones."  The Bible says:  "For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness" (I Thess. 4:7).  Peter refers to us as " holy priesthood" (I Pet. 2:5) and "a holy nation" (I Pet. 2:9).  In the Revelation, Jesus is pictured riding on a white horse.  They who


BRIEF HISTORY OF CHURCH OF CHRIST INTRODUCTION THE CHURCH OF CHRIST was established in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost in AD 33, some days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ and His subsequent ascension to heaven. From this date, the church passed through trials and persecutions in the hands of the Jews as well as the Roman authorities who were the ruling power of the time. Before his death, Jesus promised to build His church (Matt. 16:18-19), the fulfillment of which came to pass on the Day of Pentecost in AD 33. Jesus told the apostles that they will be persecuted (Lk 11:49; Matt. 5:11-12). He talked about the level of sufferings that will come after His death. He predicted the destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44, Luke 21:5-6, Matt 24:1-2). The Scriptures are full of predictions about the establishment of the church in Jerusalem and her ultimate spread to all corners of the world. The church was thus established after Jesus shed His blood to purchase he