
Showing posts from February, 2021

Are the Titles ‘Pastor’ or ‘Priest’ Biblical?

Are the Titles ‘Pastor’ or ‘Priest’ Biblical?   Often we hear religious leaders referred to as “pastor” or “priest”.  Are these biblical names that should be applied to the religious leader today?  Is it right for a man to wear these names?  Let’s examine what God has to say on the matter. Can one religious leader be referred to as “Pastor”?  In the New Testament, the word pastor is used exclusively of the work and office of an elder.  For example, the word for pastor/shepherd is found in Acts 20:28 and 1 Peter 5:2-4.  In both cases, it is used to describe the work and office of overseers.  The New Testament church did not have a single “pastor” because it is not authorized in the Bible.  In every case where shepherds or pastors are spoken of it is always a plurality of men (1 Peter 5:1; Acts 20:17).  In the New Testament, there is not one case of a single “pastor” ruling the church.  In fact, the one case we have of a man trying to rule the church by himself is condemned by God (see 2

Does The Bible Authorize Easter?

Does The Bible Authorize Easter?    What is Easter?   Easter is a pagan religious holiday.  Easter is nothing but the name "Astarte" or "Ishtar," one of the many names of the Babylonian goddess, Semeramis.   What is the origin of Easter?   Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words notes:  "The term 'Easter' is not of Christian origin.  It is another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the Chaldean [Babylonian] goddess, the queen of heaven. . . the pagan festival of 'Easter' was quite distinct and was introduced into the apostate Western religion, as part of the attempt to adapt pagan festivals to Christianity" (W.E. Vine, 1985, "Easter").   Easter can be traced back to various pagan rituals.  Also associated with Easter are the 40 days of Lent.  Lent is also of pagan origin.  The 40 days of Lent was celebrated by the pagans in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Tammyz who was a chief Ba

Reverend” and “Father

“Reverend” and “Father” Royce Frederick We often see religious leaders wearing such titles as “Reverend,” “Right Reverend” or “Father.” Is this practice in harmony with the teachings of the Bible? The word “reverend” is found only once in the King James Version of the Bible. The psalmist glorified God by saying, “…holy and reverend is His name” (Psalm 111:9). The word “reverend” in that verse means that the name of God is worthy of respect, fear and awe. The New King James Version translates it, “…holy and awesome is His name.” “Reverend” is never used in the Bible as a title for a mere human. The scribes and Pharisees loved religious titles. Jesus denounced the scribes and Pharisees for loving the “…greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi.’” “Rabbi” meant “Teacher” or “Master.” They loved to wear that term as an exalting title. Jesus continued by warning His disciples, “But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are al


“FOUR REASONS WHY I CANNOT BELIEVE THE 70AD DOCTRINE” Some good brethren in the church have become obsessed with the 70AD doctrine to the point of making it a hobbyhorse.  Simply stated, the 70 AD doctrine teaches that all prophecies were fulfilled by 70 AD.  This means that the second coming of Jesus, the resurrection, and the Day of Judgment happened at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.  This may sound crazy to most of us, but those who embrace this doctrine feel as if they have found something new that sheds light on certain difficult verses in the Bible.  However, this doctrine has many problems when you honestly look at the word of God.  I once asked a prominent teacher of this doctrine if I would be lost if I did not believe the 70AD doctrine.  He simply told me to turn to 2 Peter 3:16.  This scripture talks about how certain people were twisting the scriptures to their own destruction, which had to do with the end times.  Ironically, Paul informs us of how some were doing th

An Overview of the Book of Revelation

An Overview of the Book of Revelation  Steve Kissell     The Book of Revelation is probably the most misunderstood section of Scripture. Because of its subject matter and style of language, it has become a focal point of widely varied specula¬tion and much error, especially the error known as premillenialism. The term premillenialism comes from a reference to the “thousand year reign” of Revelation chapter 20. Much of the premillenial error comes from a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of this book. The book is widely misunderstood even among non-premillenialists.     The “Key” to Understanding the Revelation     There is a “key” to understanding this letter. This key is the guidelines for interpretation given in the letter, and must be applied if this letter is going to be understood. It is my firm belief that those readers who fail to use those guidelines, which are clearly set out for us in the first verse, are doomed to forever misunderstand the Revelation:     “The Revelatio

Biblical Salvation

Biblical Salvation “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.” - 1John 5:13 Are you biblically confident of your salvation? Do Your Best to Answer The Following Questions: Do you believe in God? Do you believe in heaven as a reward for those who are judged faithful by God? Do you believe in hell as a place of torment and punishment for those judged unfaithful by God? Do you believe that the Bible is God's word, and that in it is contained absolute truth for salvation? What is your religious background? What is your understanding about what a person has to do to be saved? Have you ever been baptized? What is your understanding of what baptism is for? If you have ever been baptized, did you believe, at the time, that you were saved without, before, or as a result of baptism? Would you mind if we looked at a few scriptures about this? Ke

Seven Things to Remember During the Lord's Supper

Seven Things to Remember During the Lord's Supper What a great privilege it is to assemble around the Lord’s table each week to commemorate the death of Christ! But, staying focused on the Lord’s death during the Lord’s Supper is sometimes challenging. Remembering the seven things below will help us stay focused.  One Lord. There is “one Lord” (Ephesians 4:5). No one else could have qualified as Savior. Only Jesus, the sinless Son of God, was worthy to take our place on the cross. Two Thieves. “And there were also two other, malefactors, led with him to be put to death” (Luke 23:32). Crucifixion was reserved for those who were guilty of the most heinous crimes. The thieves crucified with Christ were worthy of punishment, but Christ was innocent. Three Crosses. The day Christ was crucified, three crosses were situated on Calvary. One cross was for Jesus, the other two for the thieves. The thief on one cross reviled Christ; the other thief repented. But Jesus, the One of the third cr

Should a Christian Marry a Non-Christian?

Should a Christian Marry a Non-Christian?  Dear Sir:  I'm just wondering whether a non-Christian can marry a Christian? If the answer is no, why is that so? Thank you, Chan (from India). Dear Chan:  Thanks for your question regarding Christians marrying non-Christians. We who follow Jesus feel obligated to order our lives according to his will as expressed in the New Testament. On this subject, Paul, the Apostle of Christ wrote to the Christians in Corinth the following instructions: "Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? Or what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? And what agreement hath a temple of God with idols for we are a temple of the living God...Wherefore Come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord" (II Corinthians 6:14-17). A person's relationship with God is more important than his romantic relationships. The way this problem is resolved for