
Showing posts from September, 2021

Should I investigate the church of Christ?

Should I investigate the church of Christ?  David A. Beck 1. It has no creed but the Bible.  A. 2 Tim. 3:16-17 – The Scriptures furnishes a man unto all good works   2 Pet. 1:5 – Gives everything that pertains unto life and godliness  B. The New Testament was the apostles’ creed   C.  The churches of the New Testament were governed without human creeds. It can be done now, too. 2. It believes in speaking where the Bible speaks and being silent where the Bible is silent.   A. 1 Pet. 4:11 – It speaks as the oracles of God  2 Tim. 1:15 – It holds fast the form of sound words  Gal. 1:9 – It teaches nothing that the apostles did not teach or preach  B. We must teach and practice all the truth –Nothing less!  C. Not to go beyond the truth as revealed in the  New Testament - 2 John 9  D. The only safe guide is the Bible. Even sincere men can be deceived. 3. It pleads for the unity of all believers in Christ upon the basis of the Word of God and the one body.  A. John 17:20-21 – Jesus prayed t

The BLOOD of The Lamb

“A rattlesnake bit one of my sheep in the face about a week ago. Deadliest snake that lives around here. The sheep’s face swelled up and hurt her terribly. But the old rattlesnake didn't know the kind of blood that flows through the sheep. Anti-venom is most often made from sheep's blood. The sheep swelled for about 2 days but the blood of the lamb destroyed the venom of the serpent. I was worried but the sheep didn't care. She kept on eating, kept on drinking and kept on climbing because she knew she was alright.  Often the serpents of this life will reach out and bite us. They inject their poison into us but they cannot overcome the Blood of the Lamb of God that washes away the sin of the world and the sting of death. Don't worry about the serpent or his bite, just make sure that the Lamb's Blood is flowing through your veins.” Author Unknown


WHAT R.I.P. MEANS TO A CHRISTIAN (Synopsis of the message preached at the memorial service in honor of bro. Rodolfo U. Tacuycuy; September 18, 2021) Air of gloom is felt when we come across RIP, because of its association with death–man’s greatest fear. Yet Christ came to this world to save people from that fear (Heb. 2:14, 15). Man usually fears the unknown and the unconquered, but our Saviour “hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (II Tim. 1:10). Being in Christ should have given us a new outlook on death and attach new meaning to R.I.P. – REST IN PEACE. Not all who died rest in peace, because not all have lived in peace. “There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked” (Isa. 48:22). The world’s peace is not the same peace that Christ gives. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27). The “peace of God passes a


CHURCH MEMBERSHIP ETHICS || ⛪  By Emelito Velletes Solon Church of Christ, Philippines. 1.  BE A MEMBER OF ONLY ONE CHURCH. The principle is simple. You cannot belong to two churches at the same time, or you will love one and hate the other or be devoted to one and despise the other (Matthew 6:24, different contexts, same principle).  2.  RESPECT OTHER CHURCHES (CONGREGATIONS)-- do not invite their members to join your church (even if your church is better than theirs).  Smaller churches have lots of unique challenges and getting members from them won't be of any help to them.  Don't be lazy -- win souls!  There are countless people who do not have a relationship with Christ -- go for them!  3.  HELP MAKE YOUR CHURCH BETTER, not transfer to a better church.  4.  STOP LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT CHURCH (CONGREGATION) -- there is none!  5.  MAKING SUGGESTIONS - When you are a member of a church you have the right to make suggestions.  However, when you make suggestions, you also must

What is Truth?

What is Truth? (IV) Roy E. Cogdill Conroe, Texas In order to know the truth and determine what is truth, we must have a standard by which to measure truth religiously as in all other affairs of life. The right to prescribe a standard does not belong to men. He is incapable of doing so. Furthermore, sovereignty belongs to God and He must be allowed to rule in the hearts of men. God, therefore, has the right to set up a standard by which truth may be known and measured. He has done so in His Word. Jesus said, "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth" (John 17:17). God's will is right. God's Word is truth. "Let God be true, but every man a liar" (Rom. 3:4). This eliminates the false standards by which the world would establish the truth in religion such as one's own intelligence, one's own feelings, inherited traditions handed down from the fathers, and ecclesiastical authority. Truth can be established by none of these. Th

Unity in Christ, Not Unity in Diversity

Unity in Christ, Not Unity in Diversity By Mike Willis, Editor ( From the beginning of the  nineteenth century restoration  movement, unity has been  on the hearts of Christians in  America. They were always troubled by  the denominational divisions among  Christians. The restorationist solution  to denominational division was unity  through the restoration of the ancient  order. Thomas Campbell wrote in the  Declaration and Address as follows: But this we do sincerely declare, that  there is nothing we have hitherto  received as matter of faith or practice,  which is not expressly taught and  enjoined in the word of God, either  in express terms, or approved  precedent, that we would not  heartily relinquish, that so we might  return to the original constitutional  unity of the christian church  (Declaration and Address, 10-11). These men took seriously Jesus’ prayer  for unity among His disciples (John  17:20-21) and the condemnation in  Scripture of religious

What Makes a Sound Church?

What Makes a Sound Church? Jim Gunter Gonzales, Louisiana Quite frequently, nowadays, because of the host of things that have divided God's people, we hear such expressions as "sound Christian," "sound preacher," and "sound church." I believe these expressions to lie warranted, not simply because they might have impressive tones, but because Christ through His apostles tells us to be such. Often times we may hear the term "conservative"' used, and has been employed., by this author on a great number of occasions. While this term may be all right, and I am not being critical of those who use it, it seems to me, by the language of the New Testament, that "sound" would be the more appropriate. This term is employed as an adjective in the New Testament, a great number of times; sometimes having to do with one's physical health and sometimes dealing with teaching or doctrine. The Greek word for the adjective is hu

The Problem With False Doctrine

The Problem With False Doctrine Kevin Campbell Gulfport, Mississippi Most Christians recognize that false doctrine is to be identified, refuted, and opposed (1 Tim. 1: 19-20; 6:20-21; 2 Tim. 2:15-18). While I believe the Bible gives several reasons for doing just that, sometimes Christians only focus on one reason, namely that false doctrine is, as indicated, false. Certainly this is a good, scriptural reason for opposing false teaching and, if for no other reason, false teachers should be opposed on those grounds. The Bible indicates that preachers and elders (as well as any who teach the word) are to "hold fast the form of sound words" (2 Tim. 1:13), to speak the things "which become sound doctrine" (Tit. 2:1), and to be able by "sound doctrine both to exhort and convince the gainsayers" (Tit. 1:9). The teacher of the word of God is not to go beyond the doctrine of Christ (2 Jn. 9-11) but is to speak as the oracles of God (1 Pet. 4:11).

Doctrines of Men That Contradict the Bible

Doctrines of Men That Contradict the Bible Andy Alexander Shelbyville, Tennessee The Lord strictly teaches that his children are not to fellowship with those who teach and practice false doctrines (2 Jn. 9-11). Those who violate God's standard are to be marked and avoided by faithful Christians, yet most people blindly follow false teachers in the denominational world and support them with their attendance and contributions (Rom. 16:17; Tit. 3:10). A task force for the Methodist Church has just completed its second meeting on homosexuality. Why was a task force needed? God has spoken on this subject and declared that it is a sin that will keep one out of heaven (Rom. 1:27). The task force is needed because there is a move in the Methodist Church to accept homosexuals into full fellowship. Where does that leave the members who do not approve? They are guilty of condoning this and all the other errors that the Methodist Church is engaged in. The answer for the Metho

Determining Soundness

Determining Soundness Connie W. Adams The word "sound" means whole, healthy. Metaphorically it is used of doctrine. The book of Titus is a treatise on sound doctrine. Paul said elders are to use "sound doctrine" to convict gainsayers and to stop the mouths of those who go from house to house "teaching things which they ought not" (Tit. 1:9-11). Titus was charged to "speak things which become sound doctrine" using "sound speech" (Tit. 2:1,7-8). Sound words of rebuke would help to correct false teachers so they might be "sound in the faith" (1:13). Sound doctrine would also help the aged men to be "sound in faith" (2:1-2). Sound doctrine is also related to moral issues. Paul wrote that lawlessness, disobedience, what was unholy, profane, murderers, whoremongers, homosexuals, liars and perjured persons all are "contrary to sound doctrine" (1 Tim. 1:9-10). To teach other than sound doctrine

What Kind of Doctrine Is Essential

What Kind of Doctrine Is Essential Dan Walters Asheville, North Carolina The New Testament speaks of only two kinds of doctrine: that which is of God and is, therefore, sound doctrine; and that which is of man and, thus, unsound. The doctrine which God has revealed to man is called "sound doctrine" (Titus 1:9; 2:1; 2 Tim. 4:3), "the apostles' doctrine" (Acts 2:42), "good doctrine" (I Tim. 4:6), "the doctrine of Christ" (2 John 9). and "the doctrine which is according to godliness" (1 Tim. 6:3). The doctrine which is of man's own invention is called "other doctrine" (1 Tim. 1:3), "doctrines of devils" (I Tim. 4:1), "doctrines of men" (Col. 2:22), and "strange doctrines" (Heb. 13:9). The doctrine which is of God has a positive effect upon those who believe and obey it. It changes their lives for the better and leads to eternal salvation. The doctrine which is of man has the

Doctrinal Preaching

Doctrinal Preaching Jack Gray (Reprinted from:                                         The Phillips Street-Worker, Dyersburg, TN) Perhaps there has never been an age when it is so little respected as now. Not only is this true of the world at large but among professing Christians as well. It is often spoken disparagingly about. I have even been hesitant to address the subject lest I appear only to be defending some outmoded form of sermon delivery. More and more, however, we are seeing the devastating effects such an attitude is having on the church in our day. Never has the church been in greater danger of apostasy than now. Movements both to the right and to the left are attempting to corrupt its doctrine. The danger is very real that the church could be lost within the next generation. The danger is even more threatening that it will continue to exist but will be so corrupted in doctrine or practice that it would have been better if it had died. Doctrinal preaching