
Showing posts from January, 2022


THE BIBLE COMES ALIVE! JUST WANDERING WHERE DO THESE LANGUAGES COME FROM? SAME GREETINGS, IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES! WHY IS THIS SO? BIBLE HAS THE ANSWER!!!!! ENGLISH: GOOD MORNING. YORUBA: E KAARO. ARABIC: صباح الخير CHINESE: 早上好 FRENCH: BONJOUR. GERMAN: GUTEN MORGEN. GREEK: ΚΑΛΗΜΕΡΑ. HAUSA: BARKA DA SAFIYA. HEBREW: בוקר טוב HINDI: शुभ प्रभात IGBO: ỤTỤTỤ ỌMA. LATIN: BONUM MANE. ZULU: SAWUBONA. "...Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.

Does Acts 15 Authorize Women In Business Meeting?

           Donnie V. Rader In discussions about women in business meetings, one of the main passages that is introduced is Acts 15.This chapter deals with the "conference" at Jerusalem about the matter of circumcision. This passage is cited as proof that women may attend and participate in decision-making business meetings. Let's consider the argument that is made from the text and then we'll see whether Acts 15 supports the contention. The Argument Made on Acts 15 I. The Argument: Those who think Acts 15 allows women in business meetings tell us that this chapter is an example of women being involved in making decisions for the church. They think they see that in more than one spot in this chapter. a. These brethren contend that the whole church at Antioch (including women) determined to send Paul and Bamabas to Jerusalem (vv. 2-3). Thus, women were involved in making that determination. b. We are told that more than just the apostles and elders (v. 6) were present a


OHUN TI O GBODO MO NIPA IDAMEWA.  By: Benson Omole Min.  KINNI MEWA?  Idamewa tumo si apa-mewa. Ninu Bibeli, o gba bi owo-ori fun atilẹyin ti ijọsin tẹmpili, ni akoko Mose. Ninu ẹsin ti a mọ si “ESIN AWON JU”, sisan idamẹwa jẹ pataki pupọ! Nítorí náà, gbogbo àwọn òfin Ọlọ́run, tí ó jọmọ sísan ìdámẹ́wàá, ni a lè kà nínú abala Májẹ̀mú Láéláé, nínú BÍBÉLÌ.  TANI SE OFIN IDAMEWA?  Ọlọrun ti Ọrun ṣe Ofin ti Majẹmu Lailai, ninu Bibeli. Ofin idamẹwa jẹ apakan ti majẹmu ti Ọlọrun ṣe pẹlu Mose fun awọn ọmọ Israeli, lori Oke Sinai. (“Gbogbo ìdámẹ́wàá ilẹ̀ náà, ìbáà ṣe ti irúgbìn ilẹ̀ náà tàbí ti èso igi, ti Jèhófà ni. Ó jẹ́ mímọ́ fún Jèhófà. kí ó sì fi ìdámárùn-ún lé e.” Àti ní ti ìdámẹ́wàá màlúù tàbí agbo ẹran, ohunkóhun tí ó bá kọjá lábẹ́ ọ̀pá náà, ìdámẹ́wàá yóò jẹ́ mímọ́ fún Olúwa, kò gbọdọ̀ bèèrè bóyá ó dára tàbí kò burú, bẹ́ẹ̀ ni kò gbọdọ̀ bèèrè bóyá ó dára tàbí kò burú. pàṣípààrọ̀ rẹ̀, bí ó bá sì ṣe pàṣípààrọ̀ rẹ̀ rárá, àti òun àti èyí tí a fi parọ́ rẹ̀ yóò jẹ́ mímọ́, a kò gbọ́dọ̀ rà á pad

Has Lying Become Honorable?

Has Lying Become Honorable? Don R. Hastings Bradenton, Florida Like so many other Americans, I have heard some of the testimony given by Lt. Col. Oliver North. He is answering questions asked by an Iran-Contra Committee. Among other things, these Congressmen are trying to find out what role Mr. North had in supplying military aid to the Nicaraguan rebels. What I have heard greatly disturbs me. Mr. North has stated that he has lied over and over again in an effort to keep Congress and others from finding out what he was doing. He shredded incriminating documents and fabricated others. In spite of all this deception, he maintains vehemently, "I have done nothing wrong." He also said, "I want you to know that lying does not come easy to me . . . I think we all had to weigh in the balance the differences between lives and lies." Mr. North assured the committee that he was not lying to them because he was under oath. Is it right to lie if you haven

Troubled With Lying

Troubled With Lying William V. Beasley Tucson, Arizona Each of us ought to be troubled with lying. We should be troubled with the fact of it (all men do not "speak truth with his neighbor" - Eph. 4:25), the danger of falling into the practice of the devil (Jn. 8:44), and the eternal consequences of lying ("Without are . . . every one that loveth and maketh a life" - Rev. 22:15). A member of the church was letting me know how little he thought of another preacher (from time to time I have wondered what he has said about me), when he said that the other preacher had admitted from the pulpit that he was "troubled with lying." It became evident that he believed that the preacher in question had fought a losing battle against the sin of lying. I had met the other preacher, but really did not know him. I certainly did not have any reason to question his veracity. A number of times since then (it was several years ago) I have thought about what


Lying Irven Lee Jasper, Alabama Honesty is more than the best policy. It is an essential principle of the Christian's standard of life. Lying is not some little misdemeanor. It is a grievous sin that can prepare one for the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. Let this little effort be dedicated to the task of awakening all of us to an acute awareness to the soul-destroying danger in dishonesty. All liars shall have their part in the lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. This is the seriousness of this matter (Revelation 21:8). "That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another" (Ephesians 4:22-25). We would all b

Is Eternal Life A Present Actual Possession?

Is Eternal Life A Present Actual Possession? Weldon E. Warnock Gainesville, Florida In the first epistle of John the phrase "eternal life".is found six times. Twice (1:2; 5:20) the expression refers to Jesus, showing His nature and the source of eternal life. The other four times refer to something possessed by the people of God (2:25; 3:15; 5:11, 13). Eternal life is also a predominant theme of the Gospel of John. John writes about eternal life in the present tense, and he also writes about eternal life in the future tense. In 1 John 5:11, 13 we read, ". . . God hath given to us eternal life . . . . that ye may know that ye have eternal life . . . ." These verses indicate present possession. However, in 1 John 2:25 eternal life is a promise, and, thereby, a future possession. "And this is the promise that he bath promised us, eternal life." The actual possession of eternal life cannot be now, and at the same time, a future gift, althou

What Keeps People From Salvation?

What Keeps People From Salvation? presented by Stephen R. Bradd   Today's lesson comes from the pen of a brother in Christ and fellow gospel preacher, Neal Pollard. His excellent thoughts below are worthy of your meditation. What keeps people from salvation? • Ignorance: They have not learned how to be saved. • Fear: They know the potential cost of being saved. • Pride: They do not want to admit they are not saved. • Loyalty: They fear that they will be tacitly condemning those they care for if they are saved. • Comfort: They do not want to do what it takes to be saved. • Emotion: They feel they are saved. • Guilt: They do not believe they can be saved. • Prejudice: They cannot see the necessity of following what certain Scriptures say they must do to be saved. • Sin: They enjoy something(s) too much to surrender in order to be saved. • Self: They want to follow their own terms to be saved. • Blindness: They cannot see through their religious traditions and doctrines in order to be

The Preacher for the Meeting

The Preacher for the Meeting Donnie V. Rader Gospel meetings are about preaching the gospel. There-fore, preachers are a vital part of the meeting. The wrong preacher can destroy a meeting while the right one can help make the meeting instructive and edifying. It is not only important that his sermons be true to the book, but his conduct must be appropriate. His behavior while in the church's midst can determine how effective his preaching is. Selecting A Preacher 1. Qualifications. In a broad sense them are only two qualifications for a gospel preacher (2 Tim. 2:2). He must be (a) faithful, that is faithful in his personal life and faithful in his teaching. He must also have (b) the ability to teach. While there are many qualities and characteristics that come under one of these two major qualifications, there two summarize what he must be. If a man meets these two criteria, he is worthy to be used in spreading the gospel, including gospel meetings. 2. Know the

Shameful Conduct in Our Bible Classes and Business Meetings

Truth Magazine Shameful Conduct in Our Bible Classes and Business Meetings Posted by Mark Mayberry August 16, 2012 By Max Tice I remember the first business meeting I ever attended as a young Christian. Some of the brethren had a disagreement over how certain deacons had been chosen. The climate in the room quickly grew significantly warmer as heated accusations and sarcastic comments were being exchanged. I came away feeling somewhat disillusioned and wondering how these could be the same people with whom I had worshiped so often. Little did I realize that this was only a foretaste of bitter experiences yet to come. Having been a Christian now for over thirty years, I have both witnessed and heard about many scenes in which brethren have displayed less than exemplary and often out-right disgraceful behavior toward one another. These episodes have been especially common in Bible classes and business meeting