
Showing posts from 2024

Seven Facts Of Unity

Seven Facts Of Unity Frank Jamerson Dothan, Alabama In a previous article, we discussed the fife that is essential in order to have the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4:1-3). Now, we want to look at the seven facts of unity stated in the next three verses. Paul said, "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all',' (Eph. 4:4-6). In order for the "unity of the Spirit" to exist, men must accept these seven facts. One Body The word "body" emphasizes the unity of God's people. Christ is the Head and He has but one body. "And he put all things in subjection under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all" (1:22, 23). "For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, being himself th


In 1953, while Ian Fleming was developing a new spy character for his novel, he wanted a simple, ordinary name that contrasted with the extraordinary adventures of his protagonist. As he searched through his library for inspiration, he stumbled upon a book titled “The Birds of the West Indies” by James Bond, an American ornithologist and avid birdwatcher. Fleming found the name perfectly suited for his secret agent—a straightforward, unassuming name that would make his character's daring escapades even more remarkable. Thus, the real James Bond inadvertently became the namesake of one of the most iconic characters in literary and cinematic history. James Bond, the ornithologist, was renowned in his own right for his extensive knowledge of Caribbean bird species. His book, “The Birds of the West Indies”, remains an essential guide for birdwatchers even today. Bond’s contribution to ornithology, especially his detailed research on bird species in the Caribbean, made him a


THE WHOLE WORK OF THE CHURCH The work of the church involves evangelism (proclaiming the good news), edification (building up the body through Biblical instruction) and benevolence (physical assistance extended to saints in time of need). In writing to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul affirmed that the church was not a last-minute idea or an afterthought in God’s scheme of redemption, but in fact, it was a part of His eternal purpose in Christ (Eph. 3:7-13). But to what end did God include the church in His plans? God planned for His manifold wisdom to be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places through the church. In His letters to the seven churches in Asia, the Lord said, “I know your works.” Not only does God expect local churches to work, but He is concerned about what works they are doing (Rev. 2:2, 9, 13; 3:1, 8, 15). How does the church accomplish its role in God’s plan? How do the local churches in which you and I work and worship fulfill the great

Man's Leadership in the Home

Man's Leadership in the Home Introduction 1 . Man's leadership in every aspect of home life depends first and foremost on his spiritual attitude, condition, and role. 2. If we succeed in other ways but fail in spiritual leadership, we fail in our most serious responsibility. 3. If we do not attain all the material, physical, and carnal goals we have in life, but succeed in the spiritual leadership of our family, we are a success rather than a failure in God's sight. I. God made man responsible to lead the family. A. Genesis 2:24; 3:16. Whom did God make responsible from the beginning? B. Genesis 18:19. Can God say this about me? C. Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Who should lead in setting an example of love for God and in teaching God's word? D. Joshua 24:14-15. Do we have this determination? E. Psalms 78:4-7. Do we hide or teach God's law? F. Ephesians 5:22-6:4. Who is the perfect pattern of ideal leadership, and who is responsible to follow that pattern in leading the family?

THE COMMAND GO ..."(Matt. 28:18-20).

THE COMMAND GO ..."(Matt. 28:18-20).  - By Gbenga Fabunmi. Theme : "I Know Thy Works..."(Rev. 2:2) Introduction: "I know thy works..." is a common refrain in the letters addressed to the angels of the seven churches in Asia Minor. The apostle John, who wrote the Book of Revelation, shows us that there's no place to hide for any individual Christian and the church as a corporate organization! (Rev. 2:2, 9, 13, 19; 3:1 & 15). The Hebrews' writer declares in the thirteenth verse of the chapter four, "Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight, but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do"! With this great knowledge and power of God at the back of our mind, we want to discuss the topic - The Command, "Go ..." and what should be our attitude to the command. I. The Command, "Go ..." - What Does it mean? a. "Command" is a statement, given with authorit


STUPID THINGS A HUSBAND CAN DO TO MESS UP HIS MARRIAGE! They are 11 stupid things a husband can do to mess up his marriage, I want you to read them carefully and avoid them. 1. KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH FEMALE FRIENDS TOO MUCH- Some men are in the habit of chatting and calling random girls with the excuse of they are just my friends nothing more, unknown to them that ladies easily catch feeling when you keep in touch regularly. Before you know it even you the man will begin to catch feelings and before you know it emotions has taken all over you already. 2. ⁠PASSWORDING YOUR PHONES- It’s possible you don’t have anything to hide but for the mere fact that you are already passwording brings up so many questions in your wife’s mind, she will begin to feel there is a skeleton in your cupboard. Be careful and ensure you are very transparent. 3. ⁠YOU DONT LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE- Some men will be like abeg na woman talk no take am serious. Please learn to listen to your wife, if she isn’t comfortabl


SLAV£RY OF MEN BY WOMEN A must READ for every MAN! Every Man irrespective of who they are must read the book by a German writer Esther Villar In her book THE MANIPULATED MAN This book has caused outrage and HOSTILE CRITICISM from women, it explains how women since the earliest times have MANIPULATED men and turned them into their slaves, they have PRETENDED to be the oppressed s.£¥ while in the real sense they are the oppressors.  She explains how a WOMAN manipulates a MAN skillfully by steps like COURTSHIP and finally MARRIAGE, hence the saying “a man chases a woman until SHE catches him”. In her book she explains how the man is TRICKED to care for the woman all his life and her offspring.  He rolls the stone like SISYPHUS and in turn gets rewarded by a few minutes of s£xual pleasure.  We can, by observing Esther Villars assertions that a man is a SLAVE of his DESIRES and the woman uses and has used it for thousands of years as a stick and carrot to keep the man chasing VA


DISCIPLINE AND PROPER REACTION TO IT   By Gbenga Fabunmi Theme:- “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2Pet. 3:18). Introduction:- It is a must for the Christian man and woman to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2Pet. 3:18) because this is the only way to remain steadfast and be well established in the faith! “You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with error of the wicked” (2Pet.3:17) . 2. It is also very important for the Christian man and woman to take note of the fact that, “Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful, nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it” (Heb. 12:11). 3. “Discipline and Proper Reaction to it” is our own burden in a four-month gospel lectureship and we pray that we may have the desired result (James 1


Males have a penis, testes, and can produce sperm, while Females have a vagina, ovaries, uterus, and can produce eggs. This is a basic principle of Biology. Males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY), while Females have two X chromosomes (XX). This is a basic principle of Genetics. Males have higher testosterone levels, while Females have higher levels of estrogen and progesterone. This is a basic principle of Endocrinology. Males have a narrower, deeper, and more funnel-shaped pelvis to support a heavier body structure, while Females have a wider, shallower, and more circular pelvis to facilitate childbirth. This is a basic principle of Osteology. Males often develop facial hair, a deeper voice, and more muscle mass during puberty, while Females often develop breasts, wider hips, and experience menstrual cycles. This is a basic principle of Physiology. Sir/Mr./He/Him is used to address biological males, while Ma’am/Miss/Mrs./She/Her is used to address biological females. T

Church Autonomy

Church Autonomy The word "autonomy" is defined as "the quality or condition of being autonomous; self-government; any state that governs itself." The word "autonomy" does not appear in the English Bible. How-ever, the concept of church autonomy certainly does. The Biblical Concept of Autonomous Churches In the Bible revelation of the government of the church, there is no revelation of an organization of churches tied together under any kind of ecclesiastical government. The modern denominational concept, of all of the Presbyterian churches (or Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Methodist, etc.) being organized into a body with elected officials overseeing the various congregations as a single unit, is not found in the Bible. 1. There is no formal, earthly organization of the universal church. The concept of a universal church is not a group of churches, but all of the saved in the world (cf. Eph. 5:23f). The only officer in the universal church is Christ as

Autonomy Of The Local Church

Autonomy Of The Local Church Our English word autonomy is composed of two Greek words, auto, meaning self (auto is translated "itself" in Romans 8:16); and nomos, meaning law (nomos is translated "law" in John 1:17). Thus, autonomy denotes "self-law, self-rule, or self-governing". The Random House College Dictionary defines autonomy as, "Independence . . ., The right of self-government . . ., a self governing community" (p.92). The expression "local church" in our title has reference to a local functioning entity of God's people (cf. 1 Cor. 1:2; Eph.5:19; Heb. 10:25; Phil. 1: 1, etc.). The universal church - the totality of the saved in all parts of the world - has no earthly organization and, therefore, no mission to meet or duty to perform as a functional entity. However, the local church has organization (Phil. 1: 1) and work to perform (I Tim.3:15); hence, the local church is a functioning organization. Establishing the type of


POVERTY OF HUMANITY AND ATTITUDE  In a restaurant in one of the American states, the restaurant waitress handed the lunch menu to a man and his wife, and before they looked at the menu, they asked her to offer them the two cheapest dishes because they did not have enough money after not receiving their salary for several months. Due to financial challenges faced by the entity they work for. The waitress, Sarah, didn't think long. I suggested two dishes to them and they agreed without hesitation as long as they were the cheapest. She brought the two orders and they ate them greedily, and before they left they asked the waitress for the bill. She returned to them with a piece of paper inside her billing wallet on which she wrote what it meant: “I paid your bill from my personal account out of consideration for your circumstances. This is the sum of one hundred dollars as a gift from me, and this is the least I can do for you. Thank you for your kindness. Signed by Sarah.” The couple


What do you think of Christ? Whose Son is He? Do you think Moses, David, Malachi can match  up with Christ in terms of  Authority? Matt.28:18-20.  Do you know that Jesus Christ is *the One and Only Mediator between   men and God*? 1Tim.2:5. Do you know that He is *the Only Lawgiver* today? Jam.4:12  Do you know that Christ is already *reigning from His Heavenly throne, ruling the hearts of men* with His new Testament teachings? Jhn.18:36-39, Col.3:1. Do you know that Christ is *the One and Only Head of the church,* without earthly representations? Eph.5:23.  Do you know that *Christ is coming back to Judge the whole world in righteousness*, using His own words? Jhn.12:48, Acts17:31. *What do you think of Christ today?* By your attitude to His teachings, will He welcome you or deny you? Matt.7:21-23. *The choice is yours now!* *Be prepared for the Great  day is drawing closer!* *The King is coming back soon, Hallelujah !*

Miraculous Gifts

*Miraculous gifts*    By Samuel C Omaka Many religious groups including some members of the Church of Christ believes that God still work miracles today. The denominational world believes the Holy spirit still speaks to them which enables them to *_babble_* effusively in an " *unknown* *tongue* ", they believe that they can still receive the Holy spirit baptism today. While some members of the church of Christ do not believe in speaking of tongue or the baptism of the Holy spirit today, they believe that God still works in a miraculous way today.  Isaiah said," *_come now and let us_* *_reason together_* ". (Isa.1:18). Paul tasked Timothy to " *_rightly divide the_* *_word of truth_* " (2Tim.2:15).  *DEFINITION OF MIRACLES*  The three central terms used in the bible to designate a supernatural as contrasted with the natural are: 1)" *_miracle_* " (dunamis); (2) " *_signs_* " (semeion); and (3) " *_wonder_* " (teras). These thr


GREETINGS/APPRECIATION! I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the privilege to participate in the seminar today. The lecture and contributions will enriched the discussion and added depth to the topics covered. I appreciate your willingness to share your insights and perspectives, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from you. Thank you again for the privilege to participate and for being a part of this seminar.  I hope to declare it will be valuable and informative. NEED FOR THE SEMINAR! The need to study the dynamic roles of a strategic manager arises from:  Today's rapidly changing business environment, Increasing complexity, and  The need for organizations to adapt and thrive in the medium and long term.  Here are some reasons why: 1. Dynamic Environment: The business landscape is constantly evolving, with changes in technology, markets, customers, and competitors. Strategic managers need to be able to adapt quickly to these changes and make

Four Categories of Christians In The Churches.

Human beings can be categorized into four types: 1. The Scholar: A person who knows, and knows that he knows. This individual possesses wisdom and self-awareness. Seek him out, and learn from him with patience and dedication. 2. The Forgetful Knower: A person who knows, but does not realize that he knows. This individual has forgotten his knowledge. Gently remind him of his wisdom, for he may not be aware of his own potential. 3. The Eager Learner: A person who does not know, and knows that he does not know. This individual is aware of his ignorance and is eager to learn. Teach him continuously, as he has the potential to become a great scholar in the future. 4. The Unaware Ignorant: A person who does not know, does not know that he does not know, and is not interested in knowing. This individual is ignorant and indifferent to knowledge. It is best to avoid investing time in him, as he is unlikely to appreciate or benefit from your efforts.

What is Pedophilia

*What is  Pedophilia?* Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction towards children/a child.  _*Who is a child?*_  A child is anyone below the age of 18. Also note that children are gifts from God and He expect us as earthly guardians to take proper Care of each and every one of them. One of our major duties is to keep them away from these patients called paedophiles. There are different ways children can be abused. Below are some: *CHILD MOLESTATION!* Child Molestation is also known as child sexual abuse. It is a secret crime involving a range of indecent sexual activities between an adult and a child. *TYPES OF MOLESTATION:* -Defilement -Rape -Fingering -Making a child watch pornography -Exposing the genital to kids -Indecent touching -Fondling etc WHO COULD ABUSE YOUR CHILD?* *ANYBODY* Studies show that over 95% of sexually abused children are abused by persons known or close to the child