
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Origin of Cain's Wife.

The Origin of Cain's Wife.  The question under consideration at this time is one which appears to have been troublesome to many a casual student of the Bible. The more sincere students of the scriptures seldom trouble themselves greatly over those matters, which do not appear to be especially relevent to eternal salvation. The atheist, however, loves this and similar questions because he thinks to have found a means of striking out at the word of God. Because of this we are willing to devote this article to answering the query. "Where did Cain find a wife?" Elapsed Time It is often believed that Adam and Eve began immediately to procreate the species upon their expulsion from the garden. Moreover, it is concluded that the rejection of Cain's offering occurred just shortly following the expulsion, i.e. within a few years. The Bible does not date either of these events. We do find a statement in Genesis 4:3 which suggests elapsed time. Moses wrote. "And in the proc


Bible Leadership Styles. The Bible offers numerous examples of leadership styles, both effective and ineffective, through the lives of various characters. Here are some examples: 1. Servant Leadership (Jesus): Jesus exemplified servant leadership, prioritizing others' needs and empowering his disciples (Matthew 20:26-28, Mark 10:42-45). 2. Transformational Leadership (Moses): Moses transformed the Israelites from slaves to a nation, inspiring and empowering them to reach their potential (Exodus 3-4, 17-18). 3. Visionary Leadership (Nehemiah): Nehemiah had a clear vision to rebuild Jerusalem's walls, communicating and executing it effectively (Nehemiah 1-2, 4, 6). 4. Autocratic Leadership (Pharaoh): Pharaoh's rigid and oppressive rule demonstrates the limitations of autocratic leadership (Exodus 1-14). 5. Collaborative Leadership (David and Jonathan): David and Jonathan's friendship and mutual support exemplify the power of collaborative leadership (1 Samuel 18-20, 23).

The Godhead Revealed.

The Godhead Revealed  By Joe R. Price  Intro . 1.   Knowledge of God essential for our faith & faithfulness, Gal. 4:8-9. 2.  We can only know about God what He has revealed about Himself, Rom. 1:19.   a.  We are finite beings, trying to grasp the infinite, Rom. 11:33.   b.  Living by faith makes it possible, Eph. 3:17-19. 3.  God Almighty has  identified  Himself as  One God , Deut. 6:4. 4.  God has  revealed  Himself as  three persons that compose the one God  (Godhead), Matt. 3:16-17. 5.   Godhead : “the essential being or the nature of God” ( Easton’s Dict. )   a.  The Divine Nature” (NKJV),  the Deity , Acts 17:29.   b.  “the whole of that by which God is constituted” ( ISBE ), Rom. 1:20.   c.   Emphatic declaration:  Without exception, everything that defines the Godhead (totality of Godhood) dwells in Christ bodily,  Col. 2:9   I.  THE GODHEAD: Elohim (Gen. 1:1, 26), YAWH (Jehovah, Exo. 3:13-15).   A. The  Father : God ( Deity ), Jno. 8:42 (Rom. 1:7).     1.  Not seen by man


HOW TO DESTROY A GOOD MARRIAGE IN JUST ONE MONTH  By Bisi Adewale    To destroy a good marriage is very easy than you think, it does not cost anything. I listed here things you can do to destroy a great marriage by just doing them for a Month, no matter how strong the marriage is, it will be destroyed if you do these things.   If you want a great marriage, just do the opposite of everything listed below, if you want to destroy your home, just do them. ❖ Neglect God in your home, don’t give him a chance at all, base everything on self-will, sin and unrighteousness. ❖ Never spend time with your husband, travel from Dubai to Paris, from Newyork to London, from one continent to another ❖ Take your husband for granted regularly, don’t care about him, and call his bluff when he complains. ❖ Nag him ‘to his senses’, complain repeatedly until his eye pop out of his head. ❖ Put your career (business, job or ministry) first; create little or no time for your husband and family. ❖ Att
THE BIBLE SPEAKS DAILY, May 8th, 2024. TODAY'S TOPIC:-  ARE YOU PROPERLY DRESSED? TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE:- "...Clothe yourselves therefore, as God's own chosen ones (His own picked representatives), [who are] purified and holy and well-beloved [by God Himself, by putting on behavior marked by] tenderhearted pity and mercy, kind feeling, a lowly opinion of yourselves, gentle ways, [and] patience [which is tireless and long-suffering, and has the power to endure whatever comes, with good temper]...". Colossians 3:12 AMPC Many people in our days spend lots of money on clothes. They want to look and feel good. People like to dress in the latest styles, get the latest haircut, and they love to look the epitome of success. Have you ever dressed well and looked good on the outside, but on the inside you didn’t feel pretty or well put together? God knows our hearts. He cares about what is inside of us. You can spend as much money as you can afford on your outside appearance,