It is generally conceded that the denominationalism that divides Christendom is neither healthy nor wholesome. For a century, the major denominations have been trying to figure out how to overcome their divided state. Their efforts have been called the Ecumenical Movement. Most people with even a smattering of Bible knowledge freely confess that in her original state, the Lord's church was an undivided body of people, worshiping and serving God.

From the earliest days, those pleading for the restoration of the ancient faith and practice of the church have decried the denominationalism that was the order of their day. Only in the last 30 or so years have some of our preachers and professors decided that denominationalism is a good thing and that we ought to embrace it and take our place among the 1,200 denominational bodies. We must admit that it takes a man with an inordinate degree of self-esteem to embrace and promote that which Scripture so clearly condemns (See I Cor.1:10-13; 3:3-4).

We should be and we can be the undenominational church of Christ described in the New Testament.
1. First we must realize and accept the fact that church founded by Christ and planted by the Apostles was undenominational, non-denominational. The very idea of a divided body is unscriptural and contrary to plain biblical teaching.
2. We must also remember that a major part of our on-going goal is to restore the church to her original unity. While we cannot make men give up their parties and denominations, we can teach them and show them God's will in the matter. We can show them by our practice how to be undenominational Christians (I Cor. 11:1).
3. We need to keep in mind the constituent elements of denominationalism.
* Every denomination was founded by a human being or a group of them. Christ found his undenominational church (Matt. 16:18).
* Denominations are governed by men. Christ is head over all things to his church (Eph. 1:22).
* Denominations are regulated by creedal statements written by uninspired men. Christ's church is governed by his word (John 12:47-48).
* Denominations wear humanly conceived names. Christ's church wears his name (Rom. 16:16).
* In denominations, men worship as they chose to do. In Christ's church we worship as he has directed (Matt. 12:20).
* In denominations, terms of salvation and church membership are devised by men and vary from body to body. Christ has provided these terms for his church. They are plainly stated in his Testament (Mark 16:16).
* The very nature of denominationalism is divisive. The nature of true Christianity is unity in Christ (John 17:20-23).
4. Every denomination competes with Christ's church.
5. They offer men pardon and hope of heaven on faulty premises.
6. It is their nature to separate believers into separate and competing groups.
7. Although all denomination teach some truth, they all teach many things contrary to Christ's revealed will.
8. Denominations consume vast amounts of resources that have been given to God. They are used to build and maintain separate places of worship and to employ workers to promote their cause.
9. Often times denominational partisans are antagonistic enemies of Christ's true church.
10. They dilute and weaken the message and influence of Christianity around the world. Seekers are often left bewildered and confused by the conflicting messages of different denominations.

Mark it well, the man who sees nothing wrong with denominationalism does not understand Christ's message nor his church. Likewise, the man among us who says the Church of Christ is a denomination does not understand, love or appreciate the church. Such a statement betrays that fact that he himself is denominational in his thinking. Jesus is the head of only one body (Eph. 1:22). He is the husband of only one bride (Eph. 5:23). He is the king of only one kingdom (I Tim. 6:15). He is the savior of only one church.

John Waddey


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