Reverence In The Worship Assembly

Reverence In The Worship Assembly


Kent Bailey

Hebrews 12:18-29
The reading of our text is an inspired demonstration as to the importance regarding the seriousness of approaching God. When Israel approached God at the mount to receive the Mosaic law, the presence of God caused this particular mount to burn with fire unto blackness and darkness. When the voice of God spoke, such was more powerful than the blast of a mighty trumpet. The text of Hebrews stated:
“For they could not endure that which was commanded, and if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart: And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake.”
As the Apostle John, by the plenary verbal inspiration of the Holy Spirit, was moved to write the book of Revelation he provided a word picture of the glory of the resurrected Christ now enthroned in Heaven. He wrote:
“And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned I saw seven golden lamp stands; and in the midst of the seven lamp stands, one like unto the Son of man, clothed with the garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as the snow; and his eyes were as the flame of fire; and his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. And when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead…” (Rev. 1:12-17).
We stand in the presence of the royal majesty of Deity at all times. Especially when we, as Christians, come before God in worship we   enter his presence in a special way to do homage before him. Regardless of the age in which individuals lived God always                   demanded reverence. Christians—members of the church of the Lord today owe just as much reverence to God as did those under Patriarchy and/or the covenant of Moses.
Reverence Defined:  The New Testament uses three specific terms to denote that of reverence: (1) Entrepo defined as “to turn in”, or “put to shame”. It also is defines as “to feel respect, to show deference, to reverence.” There are numerous New Testament passages that use this specific word. Especially we note Hebrews 12:28. As Christians we must serve God with reverence and godly fear.  (2) Phobeo defined as “reverential fear,” and (3) Eulabeia defined as “caution, reverence, and/or fear” as found in Hebrews 12:28. Both individually and collectively in the church we must demonstrate the essence of godly fear.
A proper attitude of reverence towards God reveals the character of our hearts, minds, and lives:  The greater our character the greater our reverence toward God will be. Also, the more casual our attitude toward things that are sacred, the more  irreverent our attitude toward God will become (Psalm 50:21). Many have lost sight of God’s greatness and holiness and consider Him no greater than themselves. Some individuals have become so immersed in the world and so absorbed by sin that it is impossible for them to demonstrate a Biblical form or reverence.
God demands reverence:  Such was demanded as seen in Exodus 3:1-5. Not only does God required reverence from the individual—He also requires such of the entire assembly (Psalm 89:7). There certainly will be no lack of reverence at the final Judgment (Rom. 14:11-12). Under the New Testament of Christ God demands  proper reverence be             demonstrated in the lives of Christians (1 Cor. 14:40; Hebrews 12:28. When individuals fail to demonstrate a proper reverence toward God they are guilty of sin.
Evidence of a lack of reverence toward God is demonstrated in what individuals wear to worship assemblies:  Indeed it is true that God has not provided a list of specific items of clothing that are required to be worn at the worship assemblies. However, by what we do and say as well as by the type of clothing we wear we indicate our attitude toward God (Matthew 15:18-20). When one dresses in a disrespectful way, or even a way in which we indicate a lack of respect for Biblical morality one demonstrates a lack of reverence toward God.
Evidence of a lack of reverence toward God is demonstrated in the way       individuals act in the worship assemblies: In many protestant denominational churches as well as in some liberal churches of Christ the modern trend is entertainment. It is not uncommon, in such religious circles, to see such assemblies inclusive of              numerous unauthorized activities. Hand clapping, shouting, whistling, and yelling is not authorized by the New Testament and is therefore sinful (Colossians 3:17, 2 John 9-11). These type of activities are no more authorized as acceptable acts of worship unto God than is the usage of mechanical instruments of music are in conjunction with singing. All of them are unauthorized, all of them are sinful, and all of them will cause individuals to be lost in eternity! Also, the abuse of cell phones in addition to talking and visiting with friends, unnecessary moving around, day-dreaming, not focusing our thoughts on God, the scriptures, and spiritual things destroy the reverence that is required to be found in not only one’s personal life, but also in the worship assemblies.
As we consider God, Jesus Christ The Son of the Living God, their attributes of Deity and the greatness of their majesty, let us remember that our God is a consuming fire  (Hebrews 12:29).


  1. Worshipping God with reverence is another thing we Christians should always talk about... happy to see this dad..

    Gowon Shadrach


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