FOUR OPINIONS OF JOB  (an old sermon of mine)

Dr Joe Wallis

TEXT - Job 1:6 - 2:10

INTRO. - We want to look this hour at the Book of Job.
It is regarded as the oldest book in the Bible, written
before Genesis was written by Moses. The Book of Job superbly answers in part the question, "Why do the godly suffer?". We will see a part of the answer in the text we have before us.

Our text gives us four opinions of the man Job and in these
four opinions is a message for us from God to each of us.

It is God who brings the devil’s attention to Job. I
believe the reason is that God delights in finding people who
so love and trust him so he can rub it under the devil’s
nose. Most people are sold out to self, Satan, or the world.
This includes many so called Christians. Many Christians are
not fully surrendered to Jesus so when the Lord God finds a
true dedicated, separated believer, he likes to brag on him
to the devil. Most of us like to be bragged on to the place
some of us brag on ourselves. How many of us are interested
in God bragging on us or how many can he brag on if he wanted
Job was a man who God could brag on. Vs.8 says he was
"perfect" which means he was mature and upright (but not
Have you ever thought that maybe some of the trials,
testings, and temptations that God has allowed you to face
has been for the purpose of showing the devil and others that
you will stay true to God at all costs. God wants more than
fair weather Christians.

In Chapter 1 of Job, Satan comes into the presence of
God from roaming the earth. Somehow the devil has access to
the presence of God. He cannot enter heaven but he can as a
creature have access to the Creator. His name "Satan" is
found 52 times in the Bible but the name devil is found only
in the New Testament and then only 36 times. Both "devil" and
"Satan" mean enemy or adversary in the sense of being an
accuser. He is found here living up to his name. Satan only
speaks three times in all the Bible yet his footprint crosses
every page. Here he speaks and accuses man to God. In Gen. 3
he assures God to man. In Matt. 4 at the temptation of Christ
he accuses the God-Man.
We see here that Satan has not been living in a
monastery. He works and lives where man lives and he knows
human nature as no other.
What is Satan’s attitude toward man? Does Job fear God
for nothing? Absolutely not! Job is outwardly decent because
he is being paid to be. Job does not love you God for what
and who you are but only for what he can get out of you. The
devil knows human nature and knows most people are just this
way. Let problems come, let sickness come and they will curse
God to his face as verse 11 says. Satan tells God to take
away the protection and he will show God what Job is really
So God does just that -- vs. 1: 12 - 19
Job lost his possessions - vs. 14
Job lost his wealth - vs. 16
Job lost his animals - vs. 17
Job lost his children - vs. 18 - 19
Not all death is due to God and not all troubles come from
God but all things do come with God’s permission.
Notice - vs. 22 - Job sinned not. He did not let God down.
In chapter 2 of Job, Satan comes again and God again points
out Job as a man God can brag on. See 2: 1-3
Notice what Satan then tells God - 2: 4-5
Satan tells God that in the previous testing of Job he was
allowed to touch Job’s possessions and family but not Job
himself. If Satan could touch Job personally, Satan figured,
Job would forsake God because "skin for skin all that a man
hath he will give for his life". Satan knows many people will
give anything for their lives.

ILL. - Many people will sell their souls to save their skins.
Some years ago during a communist scare a man was seen
bearing a sign in a protest group which read, "I would rather
be Red than dead".
Do you have a "selling out" price? What would you sell out to
the devil for? Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver. Esau
sold out for a mess of pottage. What would the devil tell God
that you would sell God short for? Look up Rev. 12:9 for the
way to overcome the devil on this.
God allowed Satan to test Job again -- 2: 6-8
Job was smitten with boils.
Notice Job 2:10 - last part of the verse. Job sinned not.

This looks like a family argument with the wife giving
up and the husband lashing back at her but this is not the
case. In fact, it is the woman who is more likely to stand
by in time of tragedy than the man.
Notice her words - "curse God and die". Many of us have
given the same advice. Oh, not with our lips but by our
indifference and carelessness. There are parents who say this
to their children by getting interested in other things and
no longer having time for church and the things of God. They
renounce God by putting him in second place.
Some have put Job’s wife among the worst of women. Some
have made her the instrument of the devil. I believe she
spoke out of deep and tender love for Job. Her faith in God
went to pieces, not her love for Job. She saw the boils and
pain he went through. She also lost the things that he did.
The children were hers too. The possessions were hers too.
She just could not understand how God could allow such pain
on a man like Job.
Job calls her foolish. I believe this was spoken in love
also. It was a gentle rebuke. She was foolish too.
She could not see where pain and suffering could be
consistent with the love of God. She thought that getting rid
of God would get rid of the evil it seemed God had sent. She
was foolish because to renounce God is to renounce all hope.

IV. LOOK AT THE ATTITUDE OF JOB - 1:20-22 and 2:10
Job kept trusting God until the end. True faith will trust
God when all looks bad with no way out. True faith trusts God
when it seems God has forsaken you. Look at a few outstanding
verses in the Book of Job.
Job 1:21 - The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away,
blessed be the name of the Lord.
Job 13:15 - Though he slay me, yet shall I trust in him.
Job 19:25-27 - I know that my Redeemer liveth...
Job 23:10 - But he knoweth the way that I take; when he hath
tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

God blessed Job for his faithfulness and God will bless you
and I for our faithfulness.
Look at the end of Job’s life after all the trials and
testings seen here are over.
Read Job 42: 12 - 17


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