
Showing posts from June, 2019

Saved By Grace

Saved By Grace By  Kevin Cauley Scripture ref:  Ephesians 2:8-10 SUBJECT:   Salvation TITLE:  Saved by Grace PROPOSITION:  In this lesson we will discuss  Ephesians 2:8-10. We  will note: 1) The source of  salvation . 2) The substance of  salvation . 3) The selflessness of  salvation . 4) The state of  salvation . OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to discuss the meaning of  Ephesians 2:8-10  with supporting scriptures. AIM:  To educate the brethren regarding  Ephesians 2:8-10  so that they can discuss it with others. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read:  Ephesians 2:8-10   “For by grace are ye  saved  through  faith ; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of  God : Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in  Christ  Jesus  unto good works, which  God  hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” 2. About the Text: 1) Paul is writing to the  church at Ephesus. 2) His purpose in writing is to show the glory of  God  through the  church

Did Enoch and Elijah Go to Heaven

Did Enoch and Elijah Go to Heaven? Carl E. Finley (EDITORIAL NOTE: In an effort to give TRUTH MAGAZINE variety, we insert the following article. Should some of you brethren care to write on this same subject, you are invited to do so. One of the purposes of such a publication is to provide a medium for brotherly discussions of Bible subjects.) Some time ago I received a thirteen-page letter from a good woman in Harlingen, Texas in which she asked some interesting questions. Among other things she wanted to know if I believe the Bible to teach that Enoch and Elijah are now in heaven and reached that place of glory, without having tasted physical death. She said that she had been so taught but could not harmonize that idea with certain passages of scripture. It is possible that other people have been taught the same thing without having carefully examined all scriptures bearing on the subject. My study of the following passages of scripture has led me to believe that both Enoch and E

Hindrances to Zeal

Hindrances to Zeal By  G. E. Watkins Hindrances to Zeal – Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins from  Numbers 13:26 –  Numbers 14:10  noting the lack of zeal that the children of Israel had when tasked with entering the Promised Land and the reasons for it. INTRODUCTION:   Numbers 13:26  –  Numbers 14:10 1. A short time after they had received the Law at Mt. Sinai the children of Israel were commanded to go into the land of Canaan and possess it. 2. Twelve spies were sent in to view the land and report. 3. Ten of the men balked at going in and led most of Israel with them. 4. Two believed that Israel was ready and able. 5. These two had a great zeal for God. They were ready to go in and take the land at God’s command. 6. We find that the difference in these two classes of men is their zeal. 7. How had the majority lost their zeal? 8. What are the hindrances to having zeal for God? 9. This has a great application to us today? DISCUSSION:  What are the hindrances to havin


Gambling Intro. 1. Gambling in America is bigger than ever:   a. Since 1975 the number of adults who have never gambled declined from about 1 out of 3 to 1 out of 7 (from 33% to 85% have gambled), & the amount of money gambled away more than doubled.   b. Lotteries & casinos are now the most common forms of gambling. About 1 in 2 played the lottery in 1998 while the number of people who gambled in a casino more than doubled, to 29% of adults.  ( Gambling Impact and Behavior Study , Report to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission, April 1, 1999, page viii)   c. In 2001, for the first time, gambling in the state of WA will exceed $2 billion a year! ($3 million / day)  (Robert Van Dyken of Concerned Christian Citizens,  Communiqué , Dec. 2001, p. 3)   d. 2002: WA State Senate Bill 6193 - Would allow non-tribal gambling operations to offer many of the same gambling games as tribal casinos & extend the hours which gambling may occur.  2. Gambling takes different f

Encouraging One Another

Encouraging One Another We are to be edified and lifted up by assembling in God's presence.  We are to be taught from God’s Word in its completeness and purity.  God’s word lifts our hearts and spirits to greater heights each time we do this, thus we go from the milk to the meat of the Word, in which we stand.  Those who are led by every wind of change and every strange sound coming from the pulpits today will reap a bitter harvest, if they do not examine every word and spirit of preachers, teachers, and themselves, to make sure that they are from and led by the Word of God. Psalms 26:2, Acts 17:10-11, 1John 4:1 2Cor 13:5.      Our encouragement is a two-sided sword. Heb. 4:11-13.  We are to be encouraged, and have an obligation to encourage others.  We are taught in Acts 9:31 that the Holy Spirit encourages us.  The Church will always prosper in this encouragement.  In the Book of Romans we are taught to encourage our neighbor Romans 15:2.  This type of edification will give us


OVERCOMING WORLDLINESS: Fornication Intro. 1. Nature of this topic demands that we speak with discretion, yet directly; with care, yet clarity. 2. Bible warns against of the sins of sexual immorality - Gal. 5:19. 3. Sexual immorality was rampant in Roman empire of the 1st century & viewed as an accepted way of life.   a. Sexual purity was seen as repugnant: "Chastity is simply a proof of ugliness." (Seneca, On Benefits, 3.16.1-3; Flesh and Spirit, Barclay, p. 25).   b. Absence of shame over sexual immorality:     1) Legalized brothels, paganism incorporated fornication into its rituals, no shame seen in illicit sexual relations.     2) 1st half of 2nd century: "…an age when shame seems to have vanished from the earth." (J. J. Chapman cited by Barclay, Ibid., 24)     3) "In Greece there had never been any shame in relationships before marriage or outside marriage." (Barclay, Ibid.)   c. Adultery was commonplace: "Roman women were married

“Christ Receiveth Sinful Men”

“Christ Receiveth Sinful Men” By  Kevin Cauley Date written: December 11th, 2004 Scripture ref:  Mark 2:15-17 SUBJECT:  Jesus, Salvation TITLE:  “Christ Receiveth  Sinful Men” PROPOSITION:  In this lesson we will discuss 1) Why, 2) How, and 3) To What End Jesus receives  sinful  men. OBJECTIVES:  Each should be able to explain why, how, and to what end Jesus receives  sinful  men. AIM:  To instill the knowledge of salvation and motivate each individual to be received of Jesus. To motivate the faithful to tell others why, how, and to what end Jesus receives  sinful  men. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read:  Mark 2:15-17 2. About the Text: 1) Jesus had just called Matthew, a publican, to follow after him. 2) Matthew evidently had invited Jesus to have a meal in his house along with many of his friends and acquaintances. 3) As Matthew was a publican, he would likely have known other publicans. 4) The Pharisees considered publicans (tax-collectors) to be thieves because many of them c

10 Ways to Ruin Your Life in Your 20s.

10 Ways to Ruin Your Life in Your 20s. Scripture Reading: Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:1 Intro. 1.  Nobody sits down and plans to ruin their life (alcoholic, drug addict, bankrupt, destroy their marriage, etc.) - but it happens, far too often. It  happens because of choices we make, although that is not the result anyone would willingly choose. 2.  Many life-defining choices are made early in life: Faith, education, career, marriage, faith, priorities of life. Sometimes wrong choices can snowball, with disastrous consequences. What goes wrong? How can you avoid such mistakes? 3.  God's plan for success from your youth onward, Eccl. 11:9-12:1. 4.  Once in a while Facebook has something notable to share: 10 Ways to Ruin Your Life in Your 20s by Jonathan Pokluda, posted by Sean Lowe. 10 Ways to Ruin Your Life in Your 20s: 1)  Believe that ideas don’t have consequences. Gen. 2:16-17; 3:6; Ezek. 18:20; Rom. 6:23; Gal. 6:7-8   a.  "Sin truly does rob us of life, fooling us into thi

Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ.

Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ . By  Tom Moore INTRODUCTION: A. I am a member of the church of Christ because: 1. It was founded by the scriptural builder – Christ 2. It was founded on THE scriptural foundation 3. It was founded at the scriptural place – Jerusalem 4. Christ is the founder of only one church – His church 5. It is scriptural in name. 6. It is scriptural in organization. B. Today will notice that I am a member of the church of Christ because it has the Bible as its only creed, confession of faith or church manual; and because it believes the Bible is a book to be rightly divided. DISCUSSION: A. I COULD NEVER BE A MEMBER OF A RELIGION WHICH HAS A HUMAN CREED This is my conviction for several reasons: 1. In the time of the apostles and for the first three centuries the Bible was the only creed. a. Why not use the same creed today? b. I do not care to have a church manual similar to the one that existed in the first century, I want to have the sam


Part 2 HOW WE GOT THE BIBLE: Development of the Canon (What Books Should be in the Bible?) Intro. Scripture Reading: Psalms 119:169-176. 1. We have established the Bible’s claims for itself: (1) Originated with God, (2) Complete (plenary), verbal inspiration, (3) Meets man’s greatest needs, (4) Relevant & effective. 2. We must respect its authority and accuracy . 3. Illus. Go to book store to purchase a Bible…one has “the Apocrypha” included (RSV, NEB, Jerusalem Bible, etc.; 1 st edition of KJV in 1611 did, too). Why don’t we accept those books as binding? Which Bible should you buy & use? 4. We now need to know which books to respect as inspired by God - which books should be received as having authoritative status. 5. We must know the standard in order to conform our lives to it ( 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Col. 3:17 ). 6. Therefore, this issue is relevant to you and me today! I. DEVELOPMENT OF THE CANON OF SCRIPTURE. A. Canon - “a reed or measuring rod;” it came to mean “


Part 1 HOW WE GOT THE BIBLE: The Bible: What is it? Intro. Scripture Reading: John 10:30-39. 1. The Bible has been praised & despised, ridiculed & exalted, honored & deplored. 2. What is the Bible? Men have suggested: a. Collection of myths. b. Compilation of philosophical treatises. c. Handbook of ancient proverbs. d.    A testimony of the religious sensibility of its day. 3. What does the Bible claim to be? -In any investigation, one should examine the claims of what is being investigated, in order to arrive at an accurate conclusion. 4. The claims of the Bible cannot be discarded as irrelevant, for they reveal the beliefs of its writers. a. Were these men honest, yet deceived? b. Were they dishonest in the claims they made? c. Were they writing the actual word of God for humanity? 5. What is the Bible? What are some of its claims? What respect for its contents is demanded of us? I. THE BIBLE: A COLLECTION OF BOOKS. A. The Name . 1. “Bible” - (BIBLIA)