Hindrances to Zeal

Hindrances to Zeal

Hindrances to Zeal – Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins from Numbers 13:26– Numbers 14:10 noting the lack of zeal that the children of Israel had when tasked with entering the Promised Land and the reasons for it.

INTRODUCTION: Numbers 13:26 – Numbers 14:10

1. A short time after they had received the Law at Mt. Sinai the children of Israel were commanded to go into the land of Canaan and possess it.

2. Twelve spies were sent in to view the land and report.

3. Ten of the men balked at going in and led most of Israel with them.

4. Two believed that Israel was ready and able.

5. These two had a great zeal for God. They were ready to go in and take the land at God’s command.

6. We find that the difference in these two classes of men is their zeal.

7. How had the majority lost their zeal?

8. What are the hindrances to having zeal for God?

9. This has a great application to us today?

DISCUSSION: What are the hindrances to having zeal for God?


1. They looked at the size of their enemy and forgot the size of their God. (The giants, the walled cities.)

2. When our focus is on the size of our obstacles and not on our God our zeal will melt away.

3. What do we do…

1) when we see all the false teaching we must overcome.

2) when we ponder the size and the power of the denominations.

3) when we have opposition to righteousness in the government.

4) when our own brethren are going into apostasy.

5) when we contemplate the size of the population we are charged to evangelize.

4. What we must do is…

1) remember the power of the Word of God. Romans 1:16Jeremiah 23:29Hebrews 4:12-13.

2) remember that the King is with us. Matthew 28:20Hebrews 13:5.

[What are the hindrances to having zeal for God?]


1. The children of Israel failed to think that what God did to Egypt He could do to them.

2. It would be astonishing to hear the full range of people that men fearrather than God. Among them would be…

1) Parents.

2) Spouse.

3) Children.

4) Friends.

5) Professional associates.

6) Co-workers.

7) A particular denomination.

3. Scriptural warnings are clear.

1) Don’t be afraid of those that kill the body. Luke 12:4-5;

2) The whole duty of man is to fear God. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14;

3) We are going to be judged and for some it will be terror. 2 Corinthians 5:10-11

[What are the hindrances to having zeal for God?]


1. Israel had failed to remember how God had remembered them while there were in bondage, had delivered them from Egypt, had fed them, had caused them to prevail before their enemies.

2. When zeal fails what is it that we have forgotten?

1) Our comfortable buildings that someone with zeal before us built.

2) Readily available Bibles. The history of the English Bible alone should be enough to make us ashamed of any lack of zeal. The pages of your Bibles are stained with the blood of the zealous.

3) The fact that we have heard the Gospel testifies to the fact that someone with zeal opened his or her Bible, studied it, and taught it. Very often there was great sacrifice in doing this.

4) The zeal of the apostles and of Jesus. Mark 16:15,16,20

5) The source of all this zeal is God Himself Who sent His Son. John 3:16.

[What are the hindrances to having zeal for God?]


1. As they overlooked the Jordan the children of Israel suddenly felt like they were safer in Egypt. They didn’t have to fight there.

2. Earlier they had complained about the bounty they had enjoyed in Egypt and wondered why they left.

3. They forgot about the bondage, about their taskmasters and the cities they built with their hard labor.

4. Do we remember…

1) the fun we used to have? Drinking, dancing.

2) the friends we used to have fun with?

3) sleeping in on Sundays?

4) how much easier it was not having any convictions? How you could always get along?

5. But do you remember…

1) The guilt?

2) The dread?

3) The fearful thoughts of the judgment?

4) The bondage of sin1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

[What are the hindrances to having zeal for God?]


1. Joshua reminded them of the Promised Land, Numbers 14:7-8, but to no avail.

2. He told them that the Lord would be with them, Numbers 14:9, but they would not hear.

3. They were willing to settle for less.

4. Those who forget the blessings of obedience lose their zeal quickly.

1) Who could possibly “be faithful unto death” (Rev. 2:10) unless they keep their eye on the prize.

2) Remember the crown of life (Rev. 2:10).

3) Note 2 Timothy 4:6-8.

4) Note Philippians 3:13-14.

CONCLUSION:We should destroy all hindrances to zeal in our lives.

1. Are you zealous in doing God’s will and expanding His Kingdom?

2. Do you now remember that God is with us and not the enemy?

3. Do you have a greater fear of God than of men?

4. Do you now remember God’s past blessings?

5. Have you forgotten the comforts of life in sin?

6. Do you remember the blessings of obedience?

7. Let us be zealous for God today…

1) in seeking forgiveness.

2) in good works.

3) in keeping ourselves pure.

4) in edifying the saints.

5) in telling others the good news.


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