The Importance Of The Blood Of JESUS

The Importance Of The Blood Of JESUS.

Benson Omole (Min.)

There are many claims today, concerning the potency of the blood of Jesus.
Some made claim that the blood was shed for:

Security of lives, and properties,
Medical healing,
Longevity of life,
Almost everything.

  These kinds of claims stem from the improper understanding of the Bible.
From the pages of the Bible, the potency of the Blood of Jesus is seen in these areas:

1). The blood was shed for our redemption, Eph. 1:7; Rom. 3:4.

2). The blood was shed for our justification, Rom. 5:9; 3:25; 1:18.

3). The blood was shed for our sanctification, Heb. 13:12.

4). The blood was shed to cleans us, 1John 1:7; Heb. 9:14.

5). The blood was shed to wash us from the dirt of sins, Rev. 1:5.

6). The blood was shed to reconcile us to GOD, Col.1:20.

7). The blood was shed to purchase, and buy us, the Church of Christ, Acts 20:28; Rev. 5:9.

      These are the usefulness of the blood of Jesus Christ, to mankind.

Question: How To Access The Blood Of Jesus Christ?

Answer: It can be accessed by Immersion in Water (Baptism).

Question: How?

Answer: There are correlations between the efficacy of the blood of Jesus Christ, as enumerated above, and the efficacy of the immersion in Water:

1). The blood of Jesus was shed for the remission of sins, Matt.26:28.
      Likewise, immersion in water is for the remission of sins, Acts 2:38.

2). The blood of Jesus Christ washes us from our sins, Acts 22:16.
      Likewise, immersion in water washes us from sins, Rev. 1:5.

3). The blood of Jesus Christ purges our sinful conscience, from dead works of unrighteousness, Heb. 9:14.
     Likewise, immersion in water purges our conscience, to answer the call of obedience towards God, 1Pet.3:21.

Do we see now, that lots of people are misapplying the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. They do these things because of the ignorance in their hearts.
Some people believe their Pastors, more than they believe the BIBLE.
Let us allow the BIBLE to speak to us, all the time.
We shall be set free from bondage of HELL, only when we know the TRUTH, which is the BIBLE. John 8:31-32.

Benson Omole (Min.).


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