What About Infant Baptism?

What About Infant Baptism?

By Benson Omole.


1. Baptism is from Greek word meaning immersion. It became necessary, and compulsory for sinners to be immersed in water, as commanded by Jesus Christ, before admittance into the family of God. 
Matt. 28:19-20; Gal. 3:27; Eph. 4:5.

2.  Who is to be baptized: 
Just Nobody?  
Just Everybody? 
 Infant, and Babies?  
The Christians?  
The Lost?  
The Saved?

3.  If you fit the Bible description of who is to be baptized, then you need to obey Jesus now! – 1 Jno. 2:3-5

4. infant

— noun

  1. a child during the earliest period of its life, especially before he or she can walk; baby.
  2. Law .a person who is not of full age, especially one who has not reached the age of 18 years; a minor.
  3. a beginner, as in experience or learning; novice:The new candidate is a political infant.
  4. anything in the first stage of existence or progress.
For this lesson I shall adopt the first definition of an Infant.



  A.  Those to Whom the Gospel is Sent – Matt. 28:19; Mk. 16:15.

      -No morally responsible person exempt from gospel call & commands.

  B.  Its Prospects:  All Who Desire Salvation.

    1.  Mk. 16:15 – Gospel for to all:  Those to whom gospel is sent are to submit to it.

    2.  Acts 2:21 – Whoever calls (2:37-38, 41 - Receive without reservation, welcome, sense of acknowledging, respect); 22:16.

      a.  Rom. 10:13-15 – What enables one to call upon Lord:?  Believe, hear, preacher sent, gospel.

      b.  One must hear gospel & believe it to call on Lord and be saved.

      c.  The Bible has shown us what is needed for baptism!

  C.  The Prerequisites of Baptism.

    1.  Being taught the gospel – Matt. 28:19.  Impossible to call upon Him without believing in Him (Rom. 10:13-14); cf. Acts 8:30-31; 35-36.

    2.  Faith in Jesus as Christ (the believer) – Jno. 8:24; 20:30-31; Acts 8:36-37.

    3.  Confess faith – Rom. 10:9-10; Acts 8:37.

    4.  The repentant – Acts 2:38; 17:30; 2 Pet. 3:9.

  D.  The Moral And Spiritual Condition of the Person to be Baptized:

    1.  Moral capacity, and the intellectual capacity to be taught and to believe the gospel, as taught – Matt. 28:19.

    2.  Self acknowledgement of sins, and lostfulness due to sin – Mk. 16:16 (not saved before it); Acts 22:16 (sins exist before it); 1 Pet. 3:21 (lost before it).

    3.  Candidate of immersion in water for salvation, must be morally responsible and accountable – Acts 22:16; 2 Cor. 5:10; 2 Thess. 1:8.



  A.  Infants and Small Children.

    1.  No New Testament authority for the practice.

    2.  Adults – Acts 8:12 (cf. 8:3).

    3.  Children are mentioned in Scripture when they are materially connected – cf. Matt. 14:21; 15:38; 19:14; Acts 21:5.

      a.      2 Tim. 3:16-17 –The command of the Scriptures on salvation is complete.

      b.      New Age Advocates admit infant baptism, though not in the Scriptures. Gal. 1:8-9; 2 John 1: 9-10.

      c.    Therefore, Infant Baptism is not needed to make the Bible complete – 2 Pet. 1:2-3; Rev. 22:18-19.

    4.  Why do some think it is necessary?

      a.      Original sin (Catholic, Lutheran) – cf. Rom. 5:12; Matt. 19:14.

            But:  Infants were not recognised as sinners in the Bible; Infants are not born into sin; Infants are without sin in the condition to which the sinner must be converted in order to be saved! – Matt. 18:1-3; 19:14.

      b.      To enter the church (Dedicatory, UMC).

            But:  Jesus Christ adds only the saved to His church, after baptism (Acts 2:47).

B. The New Testament Baptism is also not for the naturally dead person. Baptism is for those who are spiritually dead in sins.

C. The New Testament Baptism is also not for the mentally sick, who cannot conscientious believe, repent, and confess the Deity of Christ publically.



  A.  For Believers Who Confess Faith & Repent of Sins – Acts 18:8.

  B.  For Forgiveness of Sins & Fellowship with God – Acts 22:16; Gal. 3:26-27.

  C.  For the Person who wants to be a Christian & be Saved from Their Sins – Acts 2:37-38.

D. For those who have become Believers, but yet to become Christians!

E. For Adults, Human, naturally Living, not for the naturally dead human.



1.  Do you need to be forgiven of past sins?  Do you need to become a Christian?

2.  Do you believe the gospel? Repent of your sins? Will you confess His Deity?

3.  Then, be baptized now.

4. Baptism re-enact the: Death of Christ; Burial of Christ; and His resurrection into glory.

5. Be immersed in water today to be saved.

Thanks, for reading.


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