
Showing posts from September, 2020

Beatitudes Of The Housewife

Beatitudes Of The Housewife Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labor of love; for her willing hands and happy heart translate duty into privilege, and her labor becomes a service to God. Blessed is she who opens the door to welcome both stranger and friends; for gracious hospitality is a test of brotherly love. Blessed is she who mends stockings and toys and broken hearts; for her understanding is a balm to humanity. Blessed is she who scours and scrubs; for well she knows that cleanliness is one expression of Godliness. Blessed is she whom children love; for the love of a child is more to be valued than fortune or fame. Blessed is she who sings while she works; for music lightens the heaviest load and brightens the dullest chore. Blessed is she who dusts away doubt and fear and sweeps out the cobwebs of confusions; for her faith will triumph over all adversity.   Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles with every meal; for her buoyancy of spirit is an aid to mental and physi

A Pardon Rejected

A Pardon Rejected       During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, George Wilson robbed a federal payroll from a train and in the process killed a guard. The court convicted him and sentenced him to hang. Because of public sentiment against capital punishment, however, a movement began to secure a presidential pardon for Wilson, and eventually Jackson intervened with a pardon. Amazingly, Wilson refused it.       Since this had never happened before, the Supreme Court was asked to rule on whether someone could indeed refuse a presidential pardon. Chief Justice John Marshall handed down the court's decision: "A pardon is a parchment whose only value must be determined by the receiver of the pardon. It has no value apart from that which the receiver gives to it. George Wilson has refused to accept the pardon. We cannot conceive why he would do so, but he has. Therefore, George Wilson must die." "Pardon," declared the Supreme Court, "must not only be granted, it


THE CHURCHES OF CHRIST - WHO ARE WE? Winston S Chambers. We are simply a group of Christians - members of Christ's body, His church, nothing else!   Jesus said, “UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH;” (Matthew 16:18).  This He did and purchased the church with His own Blood (Acts 20:28). After Jesus' resurrection and ascension into heaven, Peter taught the people in Jerusalem in Acts Chapter two about the salvation offered through Christ's death, “And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved;” Acts 2:47. We (those of us who have forsaken our ways, our beliefs, our practices, our sinful lifestyles, and surrendered to God through Christ Jesus, and obeyed God's form of doctrine from the heart), we are that church. Therefore, we are not a denomination nor part of a larger religious order. No way! Denominationalism is based upon division, which is clearly condemned in the Scriptures:  “There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in on


20(TWENTY) DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE CHURCH OF CHRIST & THE DENOMINATIONS (1) The Church of Christ is divine in origin(Matt.16:18) Denominations are Human in origin(1Cor.14:33-40) (2) It was founded out of unity(Jn.17:20) Denominations was founded out of protest & ignorance(1Cor.1:10-13) (3) God planned to established it.(Dan.2:44) Christ promised to build it. (Matt.16:13-19). Denominations was planned & built by men. (4) The Church of Christ was the Original & 1st Century Church(Act.2:1-47). Denominations are photocopies & had its beginning from the 7th Century. (5)It has heavenly headquarter(Eph.1:22) Denominations has an earthly headquarters where their founders once lived or is living. (6) It uses Only the Bible as her act of faith(Acts.2:42). Denominations uses creeds & Manuals which doesnt reflect upon the sufficiency of the word of God(2Tim.3:16-17) (7) It is Scriptural in Organization.(Colossians.1:18)(Eph.5:23). Denominations are Unscriptural in organizat


HOW SHOULD YOU BE BAPTIZED? (#20 in this series about the Restoration Movement) Long before “the prayer of salvation” and “asking Jesus into your heart” were introduced to the religious world in the 1800s, the big issue was: should a person be baptized by sprinkling or by immersion? It was such a divisive issue that several denominations in Europe would drown those who preferred adult immersion over sprinkling of children. “You like water… we’ll give lots of water.” But the question for honest students of Scripture isn’t whether religious leaders believe in immersion or sprinkling. The question is… what does the word “baptism” really mean? WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? In John 3:23 we read, "And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, BECAUSE THERE WAS MUCH WATER THERE: and they came, and were baptized." In Mark 1:9-10, we read, "Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. And straightway COMING UP OUT OF THE WATER, he saw the heavens open