(1) The Church of Christ is divine in origin(Matt.16:18)
Denominations are Human in origin(1Cor.14:33-40)
(2) It was founded out of unity(Jn.17:20) Denominations was founded out of protest & ignorance(1Cor.1:10-13)
(3) God planned to established it.(Dan.2:44)
Christ promised to build it. (Matt.16:13-19).
Denominations was planned & built by men.
(4) The Church of Christ was the Original & 1st Century Church(Act.2:1-47).
Denominations are photocopies & had its beginning from the 7th Century.
(5)It has heavenly headquarter(Eph.1:22)
Denominations has an earthly headquarters where their founders once lived or is living.
(6) It uses Only the Bible as her act of faith(Acts.2:42).
Denominations uses creeds & Manuals which doesnt reflect upon the sufficiency of the word of God(2Tim.3:16-17)
(7) It is Scriptural in Organization.(Colossians.1:18)(Eph.5:23).
Denominations are Unscriptural in organization.
(8) The Church of Christ teaches and administers Scriprural baptism.(John.3:3, Rom.6:3-4).
Most Denominational Churches teaches and administers baptism in a wrongful way....Some dont perform baptism at all...
(9)Its teaches and observes the Lord's Supper Scripturally..(Matt.26:26 & 1Cor.11:23-26).
Most Denominations teaches and partake the Lord's Supper in wrongful way.Example are the Roman Catholic and others...Some dont even practise the Lords Supper .
(10)The Church Of Christ has Scriptural music in Worship..i.e the non-instrumental music or Accapella songs (Eph.5:19; Col.3:15; Hebrew.13:15)
Denominations flaunt the command in new testament by adding instrument to praise God
(11) The Church of Christ believes that the Bible is a book to be rightly divided, i.e Dividing the Old and New testament rightly.(2Tim.2:5).
Denominations are good in mixing the Old & New testament..They mix the Old wine & New wine together. Examples are:Payment of tithes, Instrumental music that was invented by David in the Old testament.
(12) Church of Christ teaches that the Kingdom has been established and Christ is now reigning (Matt.16:18-19 & Col.1:13)
Some Denominations most especially Jehovah's Witness preaches that the Kingdom have not come.
(13)It is Scriptural in name. (Rom.16:16).
Denominations has several names not backed by the Scripture..Examples are Catholic, Anglican, Assembly of God etc..you can name them yourself.
(14) The Church of Christ was founded at Jerusalem (Isaiah.2:2-4 & Acts.2:1-47).
All Denominations has a place where it was founded..Examples Roman Catholic was founded in Rome Italy.
(15) The Church of Christ are Scriptural in doing missionary work.(Mark.16:15-16).
Denominations are eager to do the missionary work but not in the pattern which Christ directed.
(16)The Church of Christ is essential for salvation.(Eph.5:13 & Acts.2:47)
Members of the Denominations are outside the body of Christ and are in danger of salvation.
(17) It is the Church of Christ's Choice.(Matt.16:18-19; Col.1:24).
Denominations are the Churches of Men's choice.(Psalm127:1).
(18) Churches of Christ teaches that miraculous manifestation of the spirit has ceased.(1Cor.13:8-11 & Eph.3:1-5).
Denominations teaches and performs Miracles.
(19) The Church of Christ was purchased by Christ blood(Acts20:28)
Denominations was bought & registered with money.
(20) The Church of Christ will last forever(Heb12:28)
Denomination will be rooted up(Matt15:13).
We are Proud to be a member of the Church Of Christ...What of You?
Thanks for reading this post..
Remain bless...


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