Is The Kingdom of God On Earth Today?

Is The Kingdom of God On Earth Today?

There are those who believe that when Christ was born,  He was to bring the Kingdom of God to earth , but  the Jews rejected it, therefore, Christ took the Kingdom back to heaven and will not establish it until He returns the 2nd time.  At that time He is to set up His kingdom in Jerusalem and reign for a 1000 years.

That thought makes the “church” which Jesus promised in Matt 16:18 and the Kingdom of God two separate entities. 
 I believed that what Jesus’ promised in Matt 16:18 was fulfilled  in Acts 2 and no matter how many Jews rejected it,  the Kingdom was established just as He had promised.  Please notice the following scriptures.

Daniel was permitted by God Himself to see world events from his own time to the coming of Christ and beyond.   Among these things was the fact that the eternal Kingdom of God would be established “in the days of those kings” (Dan. 2:44)   When the New Testament began its account of the coming of Christ, Luke says “Now in the 15th year of the reign of ‘’Tiberius Caesar….”   This places the coming  in the days of the Roman kings.  When Jesus came into the world,   it was the right time for the Kingdom to be established.  Paul referred to it as “the fullness of time” (Gal 4:4)

The New Testament concept of the “kingdom” is the rule of God on earth through Christ.  Daniel saw one like the Son of man (Christ) coming before the Ancient of Days to receive an everlasting Kingdom (Dan, 7:13-14).  It is the Christ who would be the King of kings and Lord of lords” of this kingdom. (I Tim. 6:15)

The “Kingdom of heaven” and the “Kingdom of God”  refer to the same thing (Matt. 19:23-24)  You will note that Matthew use the phrase “kingdom of heaven” and Luke refers to it as the “kingdom of God.”  (Luke 5:43)

The Kingdom of God is a present reality.   Jesus said that the kingdom would come during the lives of some of those living in that day (Mark 9:1),  When He made that promise it was in the days of the Roman Kings. (Luke 3:1) just as Daniel had predicted or prophesied. (Dan. 2:44)  Paul, in Col. 1:13-14 confirmed that he and the Colossian brethren were in the kingdom.   The apostle John told us that the original recipients of the book of Revelation were “a kingdom of priests.” (Rev. 1:6) yet, he wrote it to the 7 churches of Asia. Thus,  the “kingdom” and the “church” are the same.  Both are referred to as “people.” (Luke 17:21; I Cor. 1:2)  Christ ruling in the hearts of people through Christ is the whole concept of the “kingdom of God” and the “New Testament church”.  

It is according to the eternal purpose of God, being in the mind of God since before the world began (Eph 3:10-11; Matt 16:18-19)  It was “at hand” during the ministries of John and Christ. (Matt. 3:1-2;Mk. 1:14-15).  Peter was given the "keys to the Kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 16:19) and he opened the doors of that kingdom in Acts 2:37-47 and 3000 souls were added to the church.

When we do what they did to enter the kingdom in the first century,  we will be in the same kingdom today.  (John 3:5; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:36-47;, 22:16).  When we are right with God through our obedience to Him,  we can enjoy the peace and blessings which God has promised those “in Christ.”   (Eph. 1:3)]
(Some material borrowed from Jay Lockhard, “Highlights From The Major Prophets”, Spiritual Sword, Apr. 2017)


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