
Showing posts from 2023

Diary Of A Bible

Diary Of A Bible Recently I read the "Diary Of A Bible." I do not know the author. Any one of millions of Bibles covered in dust could have written the following: January 10. Been resting for a week. The first few nights of the New Year my owner read me regularly, but he has now forgotten me already, I guess. February 7. Clean up time. I was dusted with other things and then put back on the shelf. February 9. Owner used me for a short time after dinner looking over a few references. Went to Bible school today. March 6. Clean up. Dusted again. Have been in the hall since my trip to Bible school last month. March 30. Busy day. Owner had young people's meeting and had to look up references. He had an awful time finding them but they were there all the time. May 3. In Grandma's lap again this afternoon. She spent most of her time in 1st Corinthians 13 and the last four verses of the 15th chapter. May 7, 8, 9. In Grandma's lap again this afternoon. She spen

LEAVING A SPIRITUAL LEGACY: Focus on the Big Picture

LEAVING A SPIRITUAL LEGACY:  Focus on the Big Picture by Paul Linden Synopsis: Recognizing that devoted disciples of Christ will endeavor to leave a spiritual legacy, Paul focuses on the big picture, and offers practical admonitions on how to achieve this noble goal. Introduction These lessons emphasize the importance of making faith our own and leaving a spiritual legacy. What could be more important? Have you ever been to a cemetery and looked at a tombstone? Typically, you see a name and two dates separated by a dash. Our life is a dash—short but significant. In the US, the average lifespan is 78.7 years. While this represents a small increase from previous decades, it remains amazingly close to the average lifespan given in Psalm 90:10, which says, "As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, or if due to strength, eighty years, yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; for soon it is gone and we fly away." By some measures, a lifespan of 70-90


COVERING MY MISTAKES. When I started using pen in my primary school, and I made a mistake, I would try hard to erase it before submitting to my teacher. Sometimes, I use chalk to clean my mistake but it later reappeared. So I began to use saliva, it worked, but only to leave holes in my books. My teachers then used to beat me for being outrageously dirty. But all I tried to do was to cover my error. One day, a kind hearted teacher who loved me so much called me aside and he said, " Anytime you make a mistake, just cross it and move on" . He said further " Trying to erase your mistakes would only damage your book to nothing. I told him in protest that I don't want people to see my mistake. My loving teacher laughed and said " Trying to erase your mistake will make more people know about your mess and the stigma is for life". Have you made some mistakes in life? Cross it over and move on. Don't ridicule yourself as a result of trying t


HOW TO AVOID EMOTIONAL AFFAIR... Even if you are married to the best spouse in the whole world, if you do not guard your heart, you may end up "falling in love" with someone aside your spouse and eventually ruin your marriage.  No one gets married and plan to have affair but lots of married men and women are into affairs today because they slept when they should have been wide awake with their five senses alert. 1. Don't be too friendly with the opposite sex. This is where lots of married people land in trouble. Over spirituality and pride will destroy your marriage! You can't handle close friendship with the opposite sex as a married person. Your heart is involved. Set boundaries. Be disciplined. Be cordial. Be respectful. Be godly. Be holy. 2. Don't share your personal problems with an opposite sex friend. It will bond you together. Problems bond people. 3. Don't contact any opposite sex you are fond of. If you secretly admire them, you are fond


Bible Tongues Speaking  There is much misunderstanding as to what the Bible teaches about tongue speaking. This misunderstanding is beginning to creep in among the people of God. Let me call to your attention eight things the Bible teaches about tongue speaking. (1) Bible Tongues Were Languages. When the apostles spoke in tongues in Acts 2, "the multitude was confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language" (Acts 2:6). There were several different languages represented as Jews had come from all nations to keep the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:51). They heard the apostles speak in their "own tongue, wherein they were born" (Acts 2:8). So, Bible tongues were not just a lot of jabbering but languages which were spoken at the time. (2) Bible Tongue Speaking Was Associated With The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit. The Lord promised that He would send the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. "And behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you:

The Truth About Christmas

The Truth About Christmas                            George G. Pennock. As we enter the season of the year when many of our friends and neighbors are observing the birthday of Christ, it is appropriate that we give some time to a careful study of Christmas. In this article we will attempt to give you a comprehensive picture of the truth about Christmas. Some of the material presented has been adapted from James L. Dennison's booklet, "The History Of Christmas" and Eris B. Benson's work, "The Question Of Christmas." We lay no claim to originality. Have you ever stopped and thought about the origin and history of Christmas? We are prone to take so many things for granted! Where did Christmas come from? Who authorized it? Many of us will quickly answer that it was ordained by God, and originated when Christ was born. But are you sure of this? Could you prove it from the Bible? Permit us to deal with some of the traditions which most of us have taken


13 REASONS YOUR HEART IS BEATING FASTER THAN USUAL. The sensation of rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeats, also known as palpitations, can have various causes. Why your heart is beating faster than usual. Science Photo Library/Getty Images While many palpitations are harmless, some may be associated with underlying medical conditions. Here are some possible reasons for palpitations: 1. Stress and anxiety: Emotional stress and anxiety can trigger the release of adrenaline, which can lead to palpitations. 2. Caffeine and stimulants: Consumption of caffeine, nicotine, and certain medications or supplements can stimulate the heart and cause palpitations. 3. Dehydration: Inadequate fluid intake can lead to electrolyte imbalances, affecting the heart's rhythm. 4. Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations, especially during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, can contribute to palpitations. 5. Thyroid issues: Overactive or underactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroid

States of the Mind

States of the Mind Johnie Edwards Plainfield, Indiana The state of one's mind is important. Solomon said, "For as he thinketh in his heart so is he. . ." (Prov. 23:7). It is important that we keep our mind in a good state, for God "searcheth the hearts and knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit. . ." (Rom. 8:27). Let's take a look at some good states of the mind. A Sound Mind The word sound as used in this lesson means "to be healthy, sound in health or wholesome" (Vine). Paul said, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7). Young men are exhorted "to be sober minded" (Tit. 2:6). Do you have a sound mind? A God-Glorifying Mind One purpose of our minds is to glorify God. Paul told the Romans, "That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 15:6). We glorify God in being a Christian (i Pet. 4:16); in sp


Who Is Lucifer (Ezekiel 28:14)? Ezekiel chapter 28 begins by instructing the prophet to speak to the "prince of Tyre" (v. 2). In the middle of the chapter, the prophet is told to "take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre" (v. 12). This lamentation contains wording that has led some commentators to conclude that the prophet is speaking of Satan. It says to the king of Tyre, "you were in Eden, the garden of God" (v. 13), "you were the anointed cherub" (v. 14) and "You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you" (v. 15). In my judgment, nothing in the text indicates that this language refers to Satan; rather, it uses references to Eden and heaven to illustrate the change in the relationship that Tyre enjoyed with the Israelites and God, as a result of the sins of the current king of Tyre. Centuries before the time of Ezekiel, the Davidic monarchy established a special relationship

The Classification Of The Parables Of Jesus Christ

Classification Of Parables A. God's expectations for Israel 1. Big Dinner: Lk 14:16-24 2. Marriage Feast: Mt 22:1-14 3. Wicked Vine-growers: Mt 21:33-46; Mk 12:1-12; Lk 20:9-19 4. Fruitless Fig Tree: Lk 13:6-9 5. Old & New Treasures: Mt 13:52 B. Advice to Soul-Winners on Evangelism 1. Sower: Mt 13:3-8; Mk 4:4-8; Lk 8:5-8 2. Tares: Mt 13:24-30 3. Mustard Seed: Mt 13:31-32; Mk 4:3-32; Lk 13:18-19 4. Leaven: Mt 13:33; Lk 13:20-21 5. Mystery of the Growing Seed : Mk 4:26-29 6. Hidden Treasure: Mt 13:44 7. Pearl of Great Price: Mt 13:44 8. Fish Net: Mt 13:47 9. (Fruitless Fig Tree: Lk 13:6-9 repeated from section A) 10. Lost Sheep: Lk 15:3-7 11. Lost Coin: Lk 15:8-10 12. Lost Son (prodigal): Lk 15:11-32 C. Serving God 1. Two Foundations: Mt 7:24-27; Lk 6:47-49 2. Pounds: Lk 19:11-27 3. Talents: Mt 25:14-30 4. Labourers in the Vineyard: Mt 20:1-16 5. Two Sons: Mt 21:28-32 6. Counting the Cost: (Tower & King) Lk 14:25-33 7. Dishonest Steward: Lk 16:1-14 8. Unworthy Ser

Plan of God for your Salvation

God’s Plan of Salvation By C.W. Fell Notice in John 3:16 that God “gave” his Son. God did not owe us a plan of salvation. He was not indebted to give us a plan of salvation. This plan of salvation was given as an unmerited favor by God to mankind while we were still dead in our sins. How does a sinner obtain salvation? People have different ideas about God’s plan of salvation. Overcoming these differences can be difficult at times, but it is not impossible. In fact, most of us are much closer to agreement than we realize. For example, let’s take Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Here is a simple point we all agree on. Regard- less of what name you wear, whether Assembly of God, Baptist, Catholic, Church of Christ, Independent, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, or Presbyterian we all agree on this point. Next, we all agree with Romans 6:23, “The wages of sin is death.” This teaching transcends all the boundaries of division. How Does On

Bible on Pornography

                    Bible on Pornography By Tommy Glendol McClure The morals of our nation and man-kind continue to erode and decay just as cancer slowly conquers its victim. Pornography, another moral issue viewed by many as being harmless, is a prime mover and largely to blame for this downward slide into the cesspool of moral decay and sin. Recently, pornography has risen its ugly head on the information superhighway, the World Wide Web. I am reminded of the words of Scripture, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart” (Gen. 6:5, 6). Pornography Defined Pornography, an age old problem, can be traced back to first century Roman culture. By definition it is “the representation of erotic behaviour in books, pictures, statutes, motion pictures, etc. that is intended to cause sexua

Was Peter Pope? part ONE

Was Peter Pope? (1) Ferrell Jenkins St. Louis, Missouri Introduction: Authority is important. As Jesus taught He was asked by the chief priests and elders. "By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave these this authority?" (Matt. 21:23). A Catholic Invitation ". . . the Catholic Church says again and again to people everywhere: 'Investigate! Investigate!' . . . The Catholic Church therefore invites you to inquire into its teaching and practices . . . to find out for yourself if what you believe about the Church is true or false. Learn for yourself. . . ." (From an ad "Why The Catholic Church says 'INVESTIGATE!' " published by the Supreme Council Knights of Columbus). . A Bible Injunction: "But test all things; hold fast that which is good" (I Thess. 5:21)-The Confraternity Edition of the New Testament (official Catholic translation). "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see w