
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Bible Speaks Daily (28062023).

The Bible Speaks Daily (28062023). Today's Verse: Proverbs 10:25. Is Your Foundation Secured? "...When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more, But the righteous has an everlasting foundation..." There is no one who doesn’t want to be secure, in life. Knowing how much evil there are in this present world, we must all face the undeniable truth - at times, we are not totally safe.  Security is one of the greatest problems of the postmodern world. People spend a lot of money trying to provide safety for themselves, their families, their money, and their businesses.  They try to predict and prevent bad things from happening.  That is why we sign all kinds of treaties, contracts, pay for security services and move to safer environments.  However, we still cannot hide from all evils. Although it is necessary to think about security and do our best to provide it, it is more important to know that in the long run, our security depends mostly on God, and not in


THE BIBLE SPEAKS TODAY (270620 23) Today's Verse: Matthew 11:28. HE WILL RENEW YOUR STRENGTH. "...Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest..." As human beings, we have finite strength, physical limitations and fixed abilities. Living the Christian life doesn’t exempt us from all these. But we know there is someone in whom we can trust, and to whom we can always turn to!  He never gets weary, never sleeps, never stops caring for us and He will never get tired of hearing our prayers.  Behold an open invitation, from our Heavenly Father, the lover of our souls! Take His gentle yoke, learn from Him, He is gentle and lowly in heart, and you will surely find rest for your troubled soul.  The road ahead is surely narrow, difficult, bumpy, and rough. As life progresses, it gets even tougher. When the tough gets going, always be reminded of the promises of God, in His scriptures. We were never meant to be alone in the race, bearing th

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Scripture Reading: John 16:8-15 Intro. 1. Short course on Holy Spirit - Designed to identify major aspects of the subject (Holy Spirit 264 times in the New Testament). 2. Reason: Tremendous amount of confusion & division over the Holy Spirit [Baptism, gift, gifts, anointing, person or force, new birth, His work today, etc.] - Eph. 4:4; 1 Cor. 14:33. 3. This is an overview. Hope this will provide easy & helpful answers you can use in further study & teaching.   I. WHO THE HOLY SPIRIT IS (HIS NATURE).   A. He is Deity (God) - Acts 5:3-4.     1. Possesses attributes of deity (eternal - Heb. 9:14; omnipotent - Psa. 139:7-10; ....)     2. Anything which lessens His deity is false!   B. He is a Divine Person, not an Impersonal Force.     1. His works show this - (He speaks, Acts 1:16; teaches, Jno. 14:26; knowledge, 1 Cor. 2:11; has a will, 1 Cor. 12:11).     2. Pronouns in NT reveal this - Jno. 16:13.     3. Doctrines which render the Holy Spirit as a

Who Are The Angels Of God?

Who Are The Angels Of God? We have never seen an angel, have never felt the touch of one, and have never heard one speak, all that we must know about such creatures are what we must read in the word of God, the Bible. (1) Angels are real. If we can believe the Bible on any point, we should believe what it reveals about angels. Unlike leprechauns, elves, or others among fairies, angels belong to the realm of reality, not to fantasy and fiction. Jesus taught that when a sinner repents, "there is joy in the presence of the angels of God" (Lk. 15:10). One might as well say that God is a mythological character as to classify angels in that category. Repeatedly, from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible speaks of angels as actual beings. To assert that angels are "pure thoughts" or "exalted thoughts," as Mary Baker Eddy explains them (Science And Health With Key to the Scriptures, pp. 298, 299), is manifestly absurd. (2) Angels are a higher order than humans. Angels

Looking at Forgiveness

Looking at Forgiveness  Scripture Reading: Psalm 103:6-14 Intro. 1. God’s forgiveness of our sins in Christ is the greatest act of love and grace we will ever experience, Psa. 32:1-2; Rom. 5:8-9.   a. God’s grace calls on sinners to obey in faith to be forgiven, Eph. 2:8-9.   b. God ever has a ready heart to forgive; so must we, even as those who sin against us must repent to be forgiven by God, Col. 3:13 (Lk. 17:3). 2. Our forgiveness by God in Christ is our compelling reason to forgive those who sin against us, Matt. 6:12, 14-15. 3. True forgiveness is from the heart, Matt. 18:35; Not pretense, not partial, not temporary, not probationary; it is unlimited (Lk. 17:4).   I. UNDERSTANDING FORGIVENESS.   A. To Send Away, to Release, Matt. 18:35.     1. aphiemi: “to send away…to let go…to keep no longer…release”       -Illus. sending away a spouse in divorce, 1 Cor. 7:11.     2. Jesus had a forgiving heart (Lk. 23:34), and forgave sinners who came to Him in faith for forgiveness

Forgive as God in Christ Forgave You

  Forgive as God in Christ Forgave You Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:29-32   Intro . 1.  God’s forgiveness of our sins in Christ is the greatest act of love and grace we will ever experience, Psa. 32:1-2; Rom. 5:8-9.   a.  “To send forth…lay aside, leave…remit” ( Strong’s ); To let go” ( Thayer ).   b.  To bid to go away or depart, cf. Matt. 13:36. 2.  Jesus  commands  us to forgive others, Mk. 11:25-26; Eph. 4:32.   a.  He practiced forgiveness, Lk. 23:34; Acts 13:38.   b.  He is our example of forgiveness, Col. 3:13. 3.  But someone says, “He hasn’t asked for my forgiveness! I’m not expected to forgive.” (Where was such a request in Luke 23:34?) 4.  Christ had a  heart of forgiveness  (ready, willing, anxious), so that when God’s conditions were met by the sinner, forgiveness was immediate. 5.   Forgiveness is a great expression of love . God’s forgiveness of us will be measured against our forgiveness of others, Matt. 6:12, 14-15.   I.  WHAT TO DO TO

The “Sons of God” in Genesis 6

The “Sons of God” in Genesis 6 Who were the “sons of God,” taking as their wives the “daughters of men” in Genesis 6:1-8? What can we possibly learn from this Bible text? The context of Genesis 6 leads us to the conclusion that the “sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:2 were the descendants of Seth, the son of Adam (Gen. 4:25). In Genesis 4 we are introduced to two families: (1) Cain and his descendants, and (2) Seth and his descendants. Cain’s descendants followed the pattern set by their father, Cain, and continued to live farther and farther away from God (Gen. 4:16-24). In contrast, Seth and his family “began to call on the name of the Lord” (Gen. 4:26). Genesis 5 records this family tree all the way to Noah (Gen. 5:32). Genesis 6:1-8 tells us how the world became so wicked and vile that God determined to destroy sinful man (which he did with the flood). This occurred because those whose ancestors had previously “called upon the name of the Lord” began to compromise and