The Bible Speaks Daily (28062023).

The Bible Speaks Daily (28062023).

Today's Verse:
Proverbs 10:25.

Is Your Foundation Secured?

"...When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more, But the righteous has an everlasting foundation..."

There is no one who doesn’t want to be secure, in life. Knowing how much evil there are in this present world, we must all face the undeniable truth - at times, we are not totally safe. 

Security is one of the greatest problems of the postmodern world. People spend a lot of money trying to provide safety for themselves, their families, their money, and their businesses. 
They try to predict and prevent bad things from happening. 
That is why we sign all kinds of treaties, contracts, pay for security services and move to safer environments.

 However, we still cannot hide from all evils. Although it is necessary to think about security and do our best to provide it, it is more important to know that in the long run, our security depends mostly on God, and not in the hands of any human!

God tells us to be righteous because righteousness deeply roots us in God’s grace. Then, God Himself will protect us, from all evils.

 Evildoers think their wicked deeds bring them security, but the truth is the opposite. Wickedness does not provide real protection; only God can do that, only God can securely protect to the uttermost.

Yield yourselves to God's Hands. He will protect you!

Today's Prayer:

Dear God, thank You for helping us to avoid sin, by the knowledge of your Word, in our hearts. Help us further, to retain your love in our hearts. Please, protect and keep our families from sin, and from those who practice sinful wickedness. 
Dear God, please heal the sick, and provide for the poor around us. 

For questions and comments:
+234-803-220-8899; +234-806-006-6660.


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