Teaching The Little Children (WHIT SASSER`S)

Exhortations & Stuff

Teaching The Little Children

"Jesus loves the little children; all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white; they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." Those words of a familiar song paint a beautiful picture of little children. They are so innocent and pure...as pure as anyone ever can be.

But what will become of our little children in 10 and 15 and 20 years from now? What they will be will depend largely upon what they are taught in the very near future. Now, I am not concerned about what they will be taught of mathematics or computer science; I'm sure they will be well trained in the sciences. But what will they learn about living and about dying and about preparation for the life hereafter?

There is just one book that can truly prepare these children for life and for eternity. That
is God's book, the Bible. But where will they learn it? The schools cannot teach it. Even many churches are not teaching the Bible to the children who are in their care. The spend their time playing instead of learning And what about the parents? Most parents know little about the Bible and do not take the time to teach what little they do know.



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