Freedom From Temptation!

                                                                      Freedom From Temptation!

Gary Knuckles

     Scripture is filled with references to Satan and his work of temptation. He is referred to as our adversary, the accuser of the brethren, a liar and a murderer, the tempter, and so on. All of which is intended to help us understand that he is not our friend and that he works against us, not for us. I doubt if many of us want a friend like that!
     Satan’s greatest work is done through temptation to sin. Regardless of the sin, you can be sure that Satan has a method to employ in causing your fall. He may tempt you by making sin look good, telling you there is no harm in it or that it will actually benefit you in some way. In some cases the appeal is so strong that we give in without a moment’s thought or by thinking that we will not let it become a habit. After all, one or two things are not bad as long as we don’t engage in them too regularly...right?
     In truth, all sin will cause us to be lost and any sin practiced on a regular basis will eventually become a part of our lifestyle. Once wrapped up in it, we may find escape almost impossible. We will never have total freedom from temptation, but we can handle it when it comes our way. Here’s a few things to consider in our efforts to be free from temptation.

• God’s Word—Jesus used scripture to stave off Satan’s advances. (Mt. 4:4, 7, 10)

• Prayer—Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…” (Mt. 6:13)

• Learn Satan’s Methods—Paul said that we are ignorant of Satan’s devices. (2 Cor. 2:11)

• Active Resistance—Telling ourselves we will NOT give in. (1 Cor. 9:27)

• Avoid People/Situations That Lead To Sin—Some things are just “too close for comfort.” (1 Cor. 15:33; Gal. 5:13)

• Remember the Judgment—All of us will face it and answer for what we have done! (2 Cor. 5:11)

- Gary Knuckles preaches for the Briensburg Church of Christ in Benton, KY. He may be contacted through the congregation's website: http://briensburgchurchofchrist


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