The Reluctant Evangelist.

The Reluctant Evangelist.
An Evangelist refers to one who has a practice of relaying information about a particular set of beliefs to others who do not hold those beliefs. Jonah was such an evangelist as well a preacher. In the book of Jonah the first chapter, he is instructed to go to the great city of Nineveh by God.
The city of Nineveh was full of wickedness. Instead of going to Nineveh as God had instructed him to do. Jonah ran from the presence of God because he did not think the people of Nineveh were worthy of salvation. Nor did he believe if they repented it would last very long.

Some in our society today feel that some people of the world are worthy of our time. They were too wicked and are not worthy of the message of salvation. God wants all to have the opportunity to hear the message of Jesus Christ. We as "latter day saints" must spread the gospel, if we want to or not. This is should be the plight of every Christian that is to evangelize. We had been given an executive order by our CEO Jesus Christ to spread the gospel to those who do not hold our belief or who are living sinfully. Jesus has said, "Go ye into the world to every living creature making disciples of them, baptizing them and teaching them the bible."(Paraphrase Matt 28:19-20)

Jesus did not say," if you feel like it, if you have time left over, it is the elders job, it is the preacher's job" - He said, "make disciples of all nations." Jonah missed the mark but when he came out of the large fish, he ran to do the will of the Lord. You see, Jonah did not understand that he could not pick and choose who to deliver the "Gospel." God wants all to know the gospel and if they reject His gospel, it is on their heads not ours. Paul told the Corinthian brothers that they had the responsibility of planting the seed and God would give the increase. Whether they are worthy in our eyes or not, they are God's creation and He wants them ALL to heard the Word and have a chance at salvation.
Jonah was a "reluctant evangelist." Are you reluctant to spread the gospel? Do you sit on the side lines watching others do the work? Do you believe evangelizing optional? The early Christians were constantly teaching and spreading the gospel to ALL. They were not reluctant when it came to evangelizing the lost and neither should we be any less engaged in seeking the lost. So be it!

March 13, 2011
Waymon Stewart, Jr.


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