
Showing posts from January, 2019

Salvation Is in the Church

Salvation Is in the Church By Foy E. Wallace, Jr.     The idea that one is first saved by some mystical or mystified, unintelligible or intangible process, and afterwards “joins some church” is a common religious delusion. Yet, there is no truth more plainly emphasized in the Bible than the fact that the process of being saved is the process of entering the church (Acts 2:47).  1. It is affirmed in Acts 4:12 that salvation is in Christ. Then, to have salvation, one must get into Christ. But Paul, by analogy, in Ephesians 5:30, teaches that as husband and wife are one, so Christ and the church are one. “I speak concerning Christ and the church,” he said. Christ and the church being one, how can one be in Christ and out of the church?  2. Paul makes the fact that Christ is “the saviour of the body” (5:23) the ground of his exhortation to the Ephesians concerning the church as the bride of Christ (5:25). He washed it and sanctified it, cleansed and saved it, purchased


LATENESS TO CHURCH WORSHIP. It is not common to see many people coming late to the Airport, when they are traveling. In fact, when the plane is taking off at 11:00pm, some may be at the Airport by 7:00pm, Wow! Much value is placed on travelling overseas, by some Brethren. Less value is placed on Church attendance, by some Brethren. Same thing happen, when some Brethren go to Court, they will be at the Court premises, not lesser than 30 minutes, before the Court session. Many Brethren fear the Judges, Magistrates, and Police Officers, more than they fear GOD! Why is this so? On a Sunday morning when the worship has long begun, that is when you will see some Brothers, and Sisters with 'swag' gliding like a wounded tortoise to Church worship. God, have mercy! They know they are LATE, already!!! Church starts at 10:00am, but some Brethren will start to come by 10:30am or 11: 00am, but why? They think all they have to do, is just to be present, anyhow, and show their faces t


THE INDWELLING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. 1.    The issue is NOT whether the Spirit dwells in the Christian. It is evident that He does - Rom. 8:9-11; 1 Cor. 6:19; 2 Tim. 1:14; 1 Jno. 3:24. 2.    The issue is HOW does the Holy Spirit dwell in the Christian. -There are two possibilities:     a.    By a direct, personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the body and life of the Christian (position of Marge Green, A Life With Wings, 28ff).     b.    Through a life of obedient faith. Hence, it is an expression of the fellowship with deity which the Christian enjoys (cf. Phil. 2:1). 3.    The Holy Spirit "dwells in" the Christian in the same way which the Father and the Son dwell in him -- Through one's obedient faith to the revealed word of God.     a. John 14:23 - Father and Son abide with the one who, out of love, obeys Christ’s word.         1) Not a direct, personal indwelling of the Father & the Son, but fellowship with them (cf. 1 Jno. 1:7; 2 Jno. 9).         2)

The Role of Women in the Church and in the Home.

The Role of Women in the Church and in the Home. By:  S. Gail Jackson Copyright:  February 24, 2018 Thank you for this opportunity to speak to you in regard to the "Role of Women in the Church and in the Home".  By the word "church", I have reference to the body of Christ, the church of Christ.  What is our role as women in the church that Jesus died to establish?  Also, what is our role in the Home as God would have it be? The first thing that we need to understand is that what I am teaching today is not my opinion.  Please understand that.  It is not a cultural thing either.  This information that I am giving you is from the word of God. The first verse of scripture that I want you to know about is found in Col. 3:17.  It says, "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks unto God, and the father, by him". That simply means, that anything we teach, or anything that we practice from a religious standpoin


IS THERE SALVATION OUTSIDE THE CHURCH OF CHRIST?   Matt Carver The question posed in our title has been the source of many a conflict among those espousing to be Christians. Furthermore, the teaching of the New Testament on this theme has led many to make the wild and disdainful charge, “You think that your group is the only one that is going to be saved.” In the past, members of the Lord’s body had no difficulty accepting and propagating the Bible position on this subject. Rather, the opposition was originated by those outside that marvelous spiritual body. However, in more recent times, members of the churches of Christ have begun to wane on this topic, following a similar line of reasoning as those within the denominational realm, namely, that the churches of Christ are simply one small religious fellowship amongst all other religious fellowships that, as a whole, comprise the spiritual body of Christ, the church. In this manner, many of those within the church have come to ac