It is not common to see many people coming late to the Airport, when they are traveling. In fact, when the plane is taking off at 11:00pm, some may be at the Airport by 7:00pm, Wow!
Much value is placed on travelling overseas, by some Brethren. Less value is placed on Church attendance, by some Brethren.

Same thing happen, when some Brethren go to Court, they will be at the Court premises, not lesser than 30 minutes, before the Court session.
Many Brethren fear the Judges, Magistrates, and Police Officers, more than they fear GOD! Why is this so?

On a Sunday morning when the worship has long begun, that is when you will see some Brothers, and Sisters with 'swag' gliding like a wounded tortoise to Church worship. God, have mercy!
They know they are LATE, already!!!

Church starts at 10:00am, but some Brethren will start to come by 10:30am or 11: 00am, but why?
They think all they have to do, is just to be present, anyhow, and show their faces to their Preachers, and their Friends.


On Monday morning, by 5:30am or 6:00am, kindly place a call to those Brethren, who are "Habitual Late Comers", you'll realise they are already on their way to work and some will be at there workplaces, already!


[Know this today, anytime you go to Church worship late you have NOT attended Church worship fully, but partially.]

What does it mean to attend Church meetings late?

1) Disrespect to GOD, and to Christ.
2) Betrayal of Christ. He redeemed you, for service, in His Vineyard.
3) Disregard to the Church, and to His Blood of purchase.
4) Disorderliness, and Interruption to the worship of our eternal Father of Glory.
5. Disregard to the Word of God, Hebrew 10:25, demands attendance, but lateness, is partial attendance. Hence partial attendance is equal to partial obedience.

Kindly forward to as many Christians you know. 
We must deal with this situation in the Church. Mr. Satan is already using this sin of lateness, against so many Christians.


This Sunday, please, do not come late to worship, do not  disrespect GOD!!!
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Galatians 6:7-8.

(Copied, but fully edited by Omole Benson, Ado Ekiti).


  1. Any late comer to any church service as far as God is concerned is marked absent for that service, it is possible you attended church service throughout the year but because although you are late to come, in the records of God you are marked absent throughout, this is divine revelation


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