"Faith Assures What You Hope For"

"Faith Assures What You Hope For"

    "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for." (Hebrews11:1)

    Faith is trusting, relying on something or someone.  One who has faith in God, trusts and relies on God.  Therefore the one who draws near to God believes that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.  (Hebrews 11:6)

    Faith, then, reacts upon instruction given by God (Romans 10:17).  God cannot be seen with our eyes, touched by our hands; yet He exists and has our being (Acts 17:23-29).

    Our response to God cannot be predicated upon our own: "I think so", "In my opinion", "In my judgment", or "I'll take my choice".  God will no longer tolerate such impishness.  His son has brought the light of truth to the world.  We must all seek after God in the light of that revealed truth. (John 1:173:16-21Acts 17:29-31)

    Indifferent response to God's truth is not faith.  It neither believes, trusts, nor seeks according to revealed truth.  Many void their hopes because they do not live a life of faith.  It is by a life of faith in the present, that we are assured of a hope in the future.

    To trust in and rely on God, is to diligently seek after Him, as per instruction given in His Word, the Bible.  Since we cannot see, or feel Him, we must hear Him.  Spiritual deafness is the greatest obstruction to a living , vibrant faith and the hope that it gives.  You have seen the games where the participants have been blind-folded and must proceed by verbal instruction.  This is our manner of following God.  Do you have the hope given through faith?

-James F. Johnson



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