A consideration of such passages as Acts 2:41, 46-47; 4:4; 5:14; 6:1; 7:5 and 16:5 should be abundantly sufficient to prove that God wants the church to grow. But He has put the responsibility of doing His work and obeying His will in our hands. If this church is to grow, WE must also will it to be so.

There are at least three prerequisites to church growth in this congregation. (1) We must WANT to grow. (2) We must be willing to TAKE ACTION that will result in growth. And (3) we must include growth in our goals. Too often we reach no goals because we have no goals.

We also need to be aware of the fact that there are some things that seriously hinder church growth. First, some may be AFRAID to grow. The Jewish leaders were afraid to accept Jesus. Afraid of losing their position of power. Afraid of what the Romans would think or do. All my life I’ve heard people state how they preferred to worship with a small congregation. They perhaps fear losing their identity in a large crowd. Any problem presented by such consideration has scriptural solutions, Acts 6:1-7. Some brethren fear that if the church grows properly elders will be appointed and they will lose their “vote” in the business meeting, etc.

The second major hurdle that may (and usually does) exist is a NEGATIVE ATTITUDE. “We’ve already tried.” “It won’t work.” “Nobody’s interested anymore.” Remember that John the Baptist spent his adult life paving the way for the kingdom of heaven and never lived to see its existence. But Pentecost could not have happened as it did without his preparation. Jesus spent three and a half years, day and night, seeking to prepare the Jewish people for the kingdom, yet as He came to the end of His earthly career, even His best friends had forsaken Him. One denied Him. One even betrayed Him for the price of a wounded slave. Yet, it was these temporary setbacks as much as anything that paved the way for the ultimate victory of Jesus and His cause.

TWO KINDS OF GROWTH. We must be mindful that there are two kinds of growth. Numerical growth is greatly to be desired. The passages we cited in the beginning of this article describe numerical growth. Don’t be afraid to count numbers. The apostles did. Luke did. The Holy Spirit did.

But even more important is spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is not only desirable but absolutely essential. If we aren’t growing spiritually, we are not pleasing God, Heb. 5:12; 2 Peter 3:18.

SOME THINGS THAT WILL ASSURE CONGREGATIONAL GROWTH. Each of the matters addressed in the remainder of this article will be a factor that WILL aid in the growth of this congregation, both spiritually and numerically.

1. Each member must put God first, starting with YOU, Matt. 6:33; 10:37. For the moment, don’t worry whether others put God first or not. Just be sure YOU do. Then, later, you can help others to do so.

2. Do not allow part time jobs, social activities, sporting events, recreation, company, friends or relatives to keep you from fulfilling your obligations as part of the congregation. Read Luke 14:16-24.

3. Attend all the services of the church if you possibly can -- Bible classes, preaching services, gospel meetings. Be willing to take part in all these to the extent of your ability. In most cases, you at least have the ability to be there, Acts 2:42, 46-47.

4. Live in such a manner that those who know you will respect you, Matt. 5:16.

5. Do not be ashamed that you are a Christian. Be glad to be a Christian, and be willing to accept cheerfully the consequences, because with them come the rewards, Rom. 1:16; Mark 8:38.

6. Cultivate a love for your brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not say anything about them to outsiders or in the presence of your children that will hurt their influence or reputation, James 4:11.

7. As the song says, “Make friends of God’s children.” Be drawn closer to Christ by having more association with other Christians. Have them in your home, or visit in theirs, Acts 2:46-47. Go with them to a sporting event or other wholesome activity. Cultivate friendships with them and encourage your children to be friends with theirs.

8. Be willing to spend and be spent, 2 Cor. 12:15; 2 Cor. 8:1-5; 9:7.

9. Shy away from questionable activities and behavior. Most people of the world do not expect one who is a faithful Christian to curse, swear, tell filthy jokes, dance, drink, gamble, and do numerous other things that are either sinful or highly questionable. No Christian can engage in such things without harming his influence, and putting a stumbling block in the path of someone else. And no church can grow properly when its members are worldly and indifferent in such matters, Matt. 18:7; 1 Cor. 8:13.

10. Realize that we have no right to withhold the gospel from those who need to hear it. Teach others in keeping with your ability. Invite them to come study with us. Learn to think with Paul, “I am a debtor both to Greeks and barbarians; both to wise and to unwise. So, as much as is in me, I am ready to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome also” (Rom. 1:14-15). Are YOU ready to share the gospel, in whatever ways you can, with others?

If we who are members of Christ’s church will resolve to do these things, this church WILL grow, both spiritually and numerically. But don’t look for it to begin with someone else. It must begin with YOU. God wants the church to grow. Do you?



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