
Showing posts from March, 2024


*15 QUALITIES OF AN EXCELLENT HUSBAND*  A man who who deserves the praise and respect of his wife has these qualities: 👔 *HE LOVES HIS WIFE MORE THAN ANY MORTAL.* Your wife is next to your heart after God, treat her with all the affection she deserves. 👔 *HE IS NOT A MUMMY'S BOY* . I don't know what some men are doing with marriage. A man who still runs to his momma for supper and can't make sound decisions without seeking his father's approval is a marital accident. 👔 *HE RESPECTS HER BOTH IN PRIVATE AND PUBLIC* . Not by prostrating before her but by being mindful of her feelings, approaching her like an adult and being careful not to criticize or embarrass her in public. 👔 *HE IS VERY UNDERSTANDING* . Women are complex. To live successfully with one requires a great deal of understanding and massive knowledge. A woman can be laughing with you now and burst into tears the next. She can be calm this minute and be irritable and mad the next. She struggles


Beginning_of_Christainity_in_Africa Christianity didn't come to Africa by the whitemen. Most often when I hear people saying "Christainity is a religion of the whitemen" it proves to me that those people are living in ignorance against the fact about History! Christianity came to Africa around AD 34 by an Ethiopian Eunuch who met one of the Apostles of Christ Jesus. That Apostle was Philip. Philip introduced Jesus Christ to the Ethiopian Eunuch who later became converted to Christianity and was subsequently immersed in water, for the remission of sins. After the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch, he came to Africa and also introduced Jesus Christ to the King of Ethiopia-King Ezana. King Ezana also became a Christian and declared Ethiopia as a Christain nation around AD 341. Again, the man who helped Jesus Christ to carry the Cross was an African, he came from Cyrene, the place we now called modern day Libya. About 45%of Africans already knew Jesus Christ befo

Must I Be A Member of the Church of Christ to Be Saved.

Any way we affirm the above title, we make the majority of our religious friends and neighbors angry. We must then explain to them that we believe basically the same thing they do, and that is, that one must please God to be saved. The problem then is a matter of understanding what pleasing God requires. Many people want God to be pleased with whatever they want to do. We Must Obey God! Adam and Eve didn’t obey God and brought physical death to mankind besides being driven from the Garden of Eden. The people of Noah’s day didn’t obey God and He sent the flood to destroy them. The cities of the plains were destroyed because of their ungodliness. Jesus Christ came and suffered the cruel death of the cross because people were lost – in need of salvation. “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). “For the wages of sin is death; but t


Five essential items constitute scriptural baptism. They are: (1) Element; (2) Agent; (3) Action; (4) Subject; (5) Design. We shall consider these properties as they are described and defined in the New Testament. We are not concerned with the doctrines or opinions of any man. We shall not seek to set forth any partisan or denominational view of the issues involved. Examine the material in light of the Bible and compare it with your own belief or that of the religious body with which you are identified. The Five Parts (1) Element. One may be baptized in any number of things. In the Bible, we learn that baptism is in water. "And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water . . . . and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him" (Acts 8:36, 38) "Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized" (Acts 110:47)? John's baptism was in water (Matt. 3:13


THE BIBLE SPEAKS DAILY (04032024). TODAY'S TOPIC: - WHY JOHN THE BAPTIST WAS KILLED? TODAY'S BIBLE VERSE: - "...Herod himself had sent and laid hold of John, and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife; for he had married her. Because John had said to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife..." Mark 6:17‭-‬18 NKJV You remember the story? John preached something king Herod and Herodias didn't like. John said Herod should not have married Herodias, for you see, she was "his brother Philip's wife." So, Herod put John in jail. While John was in prison, Herod held a birthday party. Due to a promise made to the daughter of Herodias, and her demand that she have John's head on a platter, the forerunner of Christ was executed (Mark 6:17-29).  Many lessons can be learned from the life of John. If you haven't studied his life lately, do so, today. You will be blessed, for as Jesus said, &