"...Herod himself had sent and laid hold of John, and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife; for he had married her. Because John had said to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife..."
Mark 6:17‭-‬18 NKJV

You remember the story? John preached something king Herod and Herodias didn't like. John said Herod should not have married Herodias, for you see, she was "his brother Philip's wife." So, Herod put John in jail. While John was in prison, Herod held a birthday party. Due to a promise made to the daughter of Herodias, and her demand that she have John's head on a platter, the forerunner of Christ was executed (Mark 6:17-29).

 Many lessons can be learned from the life of John. If you haven't studied his life lately, do so, today. You will be blessed, for as Jesus said, "Among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist" (Matt. 11:11). 

Let us consider some lessons from his death. Why was John killed?

John was killed for rebuking sin and preaching repentance (Mk. 6:17-20). The work of John from start to finish was to warn of sin, urge repentance, and thereby prepare people for the Messiah's kingdom (Lk. 3:2-14). John got specific with the sinner about his sin. Sometimes people repented at such preaching, while others rejected it (Matt. 21:31-32; Lk. 7:29-30). Too often we play "ring around the rosy" with the sinner and his sin. "You might hurt his feelings," "we cannot afford to lose him," "imagine how it will affect his family" and similar objections are given today in opposition to the kind of preaching John did. Would we have opposed John and his preaching?!

Herod and Herodias did! They were in adultery and were unwilling to cease their sin. Instead, Herodias urged his arrest and wanted him dead (Mk. 6:17, 19). Why didn't John just back off? Why not just "live and let live?" Today, many continue to respond like Herodias and Herod when the same sin of adultery is rebuked and repentance is sought. Still others take the attitude that we ought to just say nothing and let each person "work out his own salvation." Well, working out one's salvation does not mean ignoring sin, it means obeying the gospel (Phil. 2:12). We cannot ignore sin. John died because he loved truth and souls more than himself.

John died because of a rash oath (Mk. 6:21-26). The culprit was Herod. Spellbound by the dancing of Herodias' daughter, he rashly promised her up to half of his kingdom. Seeking and obtaining her mother's advice she demanded John's head on a platter. Rash though it was, Herod kept his promise and killed the prophet.

Our words can have far reaching consequences. The wise man warns "Do not be rash with your mouth" and to "let your words be few" (Eccl. 5:2-3). Further, he said to pay the vow you make, concluding it is better not to vow than to vow and not pay (5:4-5). Too often we say more than we should. Tongue control would keep us and others out of a great deal of trouble (Jas. 3:2-6). Our word should be our bond, but be careful what you bind yourself to with your words! "Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath" (Jas. 1:19). John died because Herod could not control his passions and his tongue! Be careful, lest your rash speech cause the death of souls -- yours and others'!

John died because of peer pressure (Mk. 6:26-28). All of a sudden, Herod was under a lot of pressure to kill John! The woman he was married to wanted him dead. And, Herod had promised much before many. Now he had to deliver in order to save face (v. 26). So, with sorrow, he killed a righteous man (v. 27-28).

That is how peer pressure works. It often presses us to do something we know is wrong, but in order to please those around us we give in and commit the sin. This needs to stop. After all, who must we be most interested in pleasing, our worldly peers or our Lord (Gal. 1:10)?

 Giving in to peer pressure corrupts souls and defiles consciences. Often, at the very moment we give in, our conscience is telling us we are sinning (Rom. 14:23). "Evil companionship corrupts good morals", and since evil companions are not interested in righteous conduct, wisdom demands that we sever ties with those whose influence will only drag us down into the depths of sin (1 Cor. 15:33-34; Prov. 1:10-19). John died because Herod surrounded himself with people to whom he could not say "no." Surround yourself with people who will help you say "yes" to God and His will. Do not put your soul to death by giving in to evil peer pressure!!!

Thanks for reading.

Our Heavenly Father and our God, We thank You for today.
You have shown us many promises, and have given us the greatest love, through Your begotten Son, Jesus Christ. 
We pray that You will open our hearts of understanding, to be like You daily, and to see You at work in our lives. 
Give us more opportunities to declare your truth and righteousness always, without the fear, but with boldness and dedication, so as to find Your steadfast love, in me, and in others too.
Please, heal the sick and provide for the needy around us.

(This work is under the oversight of the Church of Christ Ekute Quarters Ado Ekiti Nigeria).
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