
Christianity didn't come to Africa by the whitemen. Most often when I hear people saying "Christainity is a religion of the whitemen" it proves to me that those people are living in ignorance against the fact about History!

Christianity came to Africa around AD 34 by an Ethiopian Eunuch who met one of the Apostles of Christ Jesus. That Apostle was Philip. Philip introduced Jesus Christ to the Ethiopian Eunuch who later became converted to Christianity and was subsequently immersed in water, for the remission of sins.

After the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch, he came to Africa and also introduced Jesus Christ to the King of Ethiopia-King Ezana. King Ezana also became a Christian and declared Ethiopia as a Christain nation around AD 341.

Again, the man who helped Jesus Christ to carry the Cross was an African, he came from Cyrene, the place we now called modern day Libya.

About 45%of Africans already knew Jesus Christ before the slavery era.

Christainity was never brought to Africa by the Whitemen!
Christianity was never forced on Africans because of slavery. NO!

I pray that this information open the eyes and mind of people who are living in ignorance against the fact about History.


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