Males have a penis, testes, and can produce sperm, while Females have a vagina, ovaries, uterus, and can produce eggs. This is a basic principle of Biology.

Males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY), while Females have two X chromosomes (XX). This is a basic principle of Genetics.

Males have higher testosterone levels, while Females have higher levels of estrogen and progesterone. This is a basic principle of Endocrinology.

Males have a narrower, deeper, and more funnel-shaped pelvis to support a heavier body structure, while Females have a wider, shallower, and more circular pelvis to facilitate childbirth. This is a basic principle of Osteology.

Males often develop facial hair, a deeper voice, and more muscle mass during puberty, while Females often develop breasts, wider hips, and experience menstrual cycles. This is a basic principle of Physiology.

Sir/Mr./He/Him is used to address biological males, while Ma’am/Miss/Mrs./She/Her is used to address biological females. These are basic rules of etiquette and grammar.

A man can identify as a woman, dress like a woman, and live as a woman, but he cannot and will never experience womanhood. A woman can identify as a man, dress like a man, and live as a man, but she cannot and will never experience manhood.

Men are the head. Women are the heart.
Men provide. Women nurture.
They are equally distinct, yet equally needed for the harmony of society. They are oppositely unique, yet they perfectly complement each other.

Don't fall into delusions and misconceptions. You don't need to be religious to understand these concepts.

© Kent Paul Guadalquiver


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