They are 11 stupid things a husband can do to mess up his marriage, I want you to read them carefully and avoid them.

1. KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH FEMALE FRIENDS TOO MUCH- Some men are in the habit of chatting and calling random girls with the excuse of they are just my friends nothing more, unknown to them that ladies easily catch feeling when you keep in touch regularly. Before you know it even you the man will begin to catch feelings and before you know it emotions has taken all over you already.

2. ⁠PASSWORDING YOUR PHONES- It’s possible you don’t have anything to hide but for the mere fact that you are already passwording brings up so many questions in your wife’s mind, she will begin to feel there is a skeleton in your cupboard. Be careful and ensure you are very transparent.

3. ⁠YOU DONT LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE- Some men will be like abeg na woman talk no take am serious. Please learn to listen to your wife, if she isn’t comfortable about some aspect of you please don’t overlook, don’t dismiss her feelings at every point learn to listen because you won’t like it when she stops talking and complaining.

4. ⁠RESPECT THE OPINION OF OUTSIDERS TO HERS- Some men don’t even regard their wife’s opinion, they feel she doesn’t make any sense, but if outsiders bring same opinion they jump at it. In all you do note that your wife sees it all and feels terrible about it.

5. ⁠LEAVING THE PLACE OF SPIRITUALITY TO YOUR WIFE- You can’t pray for your home, you can’t even teach your own children the things of God, you leave everything to their mum. Men, stand up and take your place in all ramifications. You are the head in everything, there is something about when a man commands things in the place of prayers.

6. ⁠YOU ARE NOT SEEING YOUR WIFE AS YOUR FAMILY- Some men see his parents and siblings as more important than their wives reasons being that you can marry another wife but you can’t have another family. Stop this please, always see her as yourself because In the real sense you both are one. Don’t allow your people maltreat her. 

7. ⁠NOT REAFFIRMING YOUR LOVE TO YOUR WIFE- Some men will say if I don’t love you I won’t marry you. Some can’t even remember when last they told their wife “I LOVE YOU”
You need to know that women are moved by what they hear, continue to reaffirm your love for her, it gives her confidence and happiness.

8. THINKING FOOD, AND SHELTER IS ENOUGH- Dear husbands, try and give your wife money monthly for her needs. Even if she is working still give her, even if she is earning more than you, still give her. Many times women derive so much pleasure when their man does his best in his own capacity.

9. ⁠LOVING THEIR KIDS MORE THAN THIER WIFE- Many times men feel like I love my kids that should be enough, I have tried I’m a good father. Dear men, try and love your wife equally or even more, those kids will still leave the house someday, it will be left with you and your wife, the love you showed her when the kids where young is the love that will make her stay and not go and stay for omugwo 1year without caring how you are doing. Build up that love from now, it’s important.

10. ⁠ALWAYS RUNNING AWAY FROM COMMUNICATION- Most men are so guilty of this, when issues arises, they don’t want to talk about it. They prefer it dyes a natural death. Dear men it’s only communication that can make your home a better place, speak up and also listen, communication is as important as the marriage itself.Stop running.
11. KEEPING SIDE CHICKS- I want you to know that you are endangering the life of your family getting involved in such act, you might think you are just having fun, but I want you to know that some of this ladies won’t let go easily, they can even go diabolical to either take your wife out d the way or abandon your family to face them, the world is deep, do not play with ladies anyhow because you might not be lucky to get away with it.

Culled by:
Omole Sarah.


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