Faith Vs. Feelings

Faith Vs. Feelings

Written by Joe Engelbird   

The Bible says that faith comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). When someone is taught what the Bible says concerning their eternal soul and the condition in which it exists apart from God and the offer of salvation, it can be verified. The Bible details the sinful condition of man apart from God and the consequences thereof. The Bible also outlines how man transitions from a lost state into a saved state. In short, man can discover and document where he comes from, where he is and where he is going from the Bible.

Many especially religiously minded people shun the Word of God for human feelings and emotions. The statement is often made, “I know that I am saved and on heaven’s road; I can just feel it.” Many such individuals, however, could not point to book, chapter and verse in the Bible that substantiates their feeling. Many times I have heard a similar statement such as, “God told me” or “God spoke to me and told me to do (this or that).” Today there is but one place from which God speaks: the Bible, which is His Word, His instruction for faith to man.

Inasmuch as we humans love feelings, they can be deceiving. The feeling of love between high-school sweethearts at the time feels so real that those involved begin to plan their lives together. In a few days, however, as the bliss wears off, that sure feeling fades, despite how real it felt at first.

As a child, I remember hearing that the local barber in town made the statement: “I feel great. I’ll probably live to be 75 years old!” Having no health issues known to those in the community, no one doubted his feeling. Statements such as this are common in day-to-day conversation. In this particular case, however, his feeling of health and vitality and longevity was fleeting, for within 24 hours of his declaration, he died in his sleep. Feelings don’t always tell the truth.


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