How Do I Become a Member of the Church of Christ?

How Do I Become a Member of the Church of Christ?

Or, What Must I Do To Be Saved?



You might be surprised by the title—that being in the church and being saved are synonymous concepts, but that is clearly the teaching of Jesus and the apostles as recorded in Scripture.

The church = the saved Acts 2:47

God’s part in man’s salvation (see Who Is Jesus?)

Man’s part in his own salvation

Believe John 8:24

Repent Acts 2:38

Confess Romans 10:10

Be baptized in water Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38


The church = the saved

The reason that many people don’t connect salvation with the church is because they don’t know what the word church means. It simply means the called out. Who are “the called out”?

“The called out” (the church) is the group of people who have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Christ (Colossians 1:13). When we are delivered from darkness (saved), we are in the kingdom of Christ (the church).

This same concept is seen in Acts 2:47, “. . . And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”

This is reaffirmed by Paul in Ephesians 5:23 where we learn that Jesus “is the Savior of the body.” Ephesians 1:22-23 teaches that the body is the church. Thus, Jesus is the Savior of the church.

SO—how am I saved? When am I a part of Jesus’ body having the assurance of salvation from my sins?

God’s Part

First, we must recognize that when we are guilty of sin, we are separated from God (Isaiah 59:2). If that does not change before we die, we will spend eternity separated from God in hell (Matthew 25:46). That’s why we need to “get saved.”

Next we must understand what God has done to make salvation possible. We cannot resolve the problem of sin without God. The Bible presents the way that God’s love, grace, mercy, and longsuffering are available—thru Jesus Christ. To learn about Him and why He alone can save us, read Who Is Jesus?

After learning what God has done to make salvation available, then we must learn what He expects of us--


What must you do to be saved?

Believe Jesus to be the Christ, Son of God

Who says we must accept this? Jesus (John 8:24). The book of John is full of evidences which sustain the claim that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (John 20:30-31). Do you believe this? You must, in order to be a part of the church, the saved.

Repent of the sin in your life

Who says we must repent? Jesus, through the apostles (Acts 2:38). This is more than a verbal apology. Repentance involves regret, godly sorrow for my past conduct. 2 Corinthians 7:10-11 describes godly sorrow. When you are ready to love God enough to leave your sinful lifestyle, you are ready to repent. Will you repent? You must, in order to be a part of the church, the saved.

Confess Jesus with your mouth

Who says we must confess Him with our mouth? Jesus, through Paul (Romans 10:10). Peter, the Ethiopian treasurer, Timothy, and every Christian have made this good confession (Matthew 16:18; Acts 8:37; 1 Timothy 6:12; Romans 10:10). Are you willing to make this confession? You must, in order to be a part of the church, the saved..

Be baptized in water

Who says we must be baptized? Jesus and the apostles (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38). Read the book of Acts, and you will find that when men were taught the gospel, they were taught to be baptized. You will find that when men accepted the gospel, they were baptized in water (Acts 8:35-38). They did not wait for the next “monthly baptism service” (that practice is not from God). When they genuinely wanted to be saved, they were baptized. This is essential because this is the point at which the blood of Christ “washes” our sins away (Revelation 1:5; Acts 22:16; Romans 6:3). To delay being baptized, is to delay reaching for the blood of Christ, thus it is to delay being saved. Are you willing to be baptized? You must, in order to be a part of the church, the saved.

Jesus summarized this teaching in Mark 16:16 as He was in the final days of preparing the apostles for the work of teaching men how to be saved from sin (Luke 24:47). He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. Let’s compare this teaching with what you find elsewhere in the religious world today.

Jesus: Believe + Baptized = Saved

Atheist: Not believe + Not baptized = Not saved or lost

Muslim: Believe + Baptized = Lost

Catholic: Baptized (infant) = Saved + Believe (later)

Denominations: Believe = Saved + Baptized

Which of these describes what you believe?

Men today often separate baptism from the remission of sins, while Jesus made it essential to being saved. In addition to baptism, men often have disassociated the church from receiving the salvation which God offers. However, God has associated them (Acts 2:47). Sadly, while men have not associated being saved with the Bible’s teaching of the church, men have associated the church and denominations. The Bible makes no such connection. When Jesus said “I will build My church,” to which denomination was He referring (Matthew 16:18)? Obviously, there was no Catholic, Methodist, or Baptist Church then. Nor do you read of any denominations in the New Testament.

God never added those who were saved to any denomination. He added them to the church which Jesus promised to build. It is His church, and thus may be scripturally identified as the church of Christ. Sometimes when people hear the words “church of Christ” they think “That’s the people who think that they are the only ones going to heaven.” What does the Bible say about the church of Christ? To whom does it belong? You, me, the devil, or Christ? It is the church of ___, you answer.


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