By Donald Townsley.

The word of God has much to say about preachers and preaching; their qualifications are very
important. Men who preach the gospel should be Christians in the fullest sense of the word. I believe
that the word of God also points out that there are some men who should not preach. Let us look at this
subject and make a list, with the gospel as our guide, of men who should not preach.

1. Men who do not love God supremely and do not put Him first in their lives (Matt. 22:37).

2. Men who do not know the will of God (Acts 22:14; Eph. 5:17).

3. Men who are afraid to preach the whole counsel of God (Acts 20: 26 27).

4. Men who have a desire to please men and strive to do so (Gal. 1:10).

5. Men who see preaching as a way to make material gain ( II Pet. 2:3; Titus 1:11).

6. Men who will not pay their honest debts ( Rom. 12: 17).

7. Men who do not set a godly example before others ( I Tim. 4:12).

8. Men who love to have preeminence and cannot work under godly elders ( II John 9; Heb. 13:17).

9. Men who do not love the brethren ( John 13: 34 35).

10. Men who are eaten up with jealousy of other preachers, elders, or other brethren (Gal. 5: 20 ,21).

11. Men who are given to hate, revenge and bitterness (Eph. 4:31; Rom. 12: 19).

12. Men who cannot learn contentment ( I Tim. 6: 6 8; Phil. 4: 10 11).

13. Men whose wives are discontent, worldly, jealous, carry gossip, or who have no real devotion to the cause of Christ ( I Tim. 2: 9 10; Tit. 2: 4 5; I John 2: 15 16).

14. Men who are not willing to make real sacrifice ( Rom. 12: 1 2; II Tim. 2:3).

15. Men who are not able to bear up under constant problems ( II Tim. 4:5; 2:3).

16. Men who cannot preach the vital truths of the gospel just as stern and unrelenting as they are
written in opposition to error and sin, week-in and week-out (II Tim. 4: 2 5).

17. Men who can be bluffed off preaching what needs to be preached by guilty members who
squirm under the fire of the gospel of Christ ( II Tim. 4: 2 4).

18. Men who will not deal with vital issues that face God s people ( I Tim. 4: 1 6).

19. Men who have eyes full of adultery (II Pet. 2:14), who creep into houses (II Tim. 3:6) and
beguile unstable women (II Pet. 2:14) into adultery ( I Cor. 6:18; I Tim. 5:2).

20. Men who are not willing to take hold and deal with vital subjects which directly affect his hearers in the work-place, in business, home and social life; subjects like honesty, immodesty,
fornication, drinking, cursing, divorce and remarriage, etc. (Rom. 12:17; I Tim. 2:9; I Cor. 6:18; Matt. 19:9; Gal. 5: 19 21).

Our conclusion is in the words of H. Leo Boles:

“No hypocrite can preach the truth of God with the power and persuasion that should ever accompany
the preaching of the gospel.” …
“No preacher can preach the gospel as it should be preached unless he preaches because his heart is in the work, and not for ‘filthy lucre’s sake’, but of a ready mind.”

(GOSPEL ADVOCATE, March 31, 1932).

“If churches today are to continue their mission, they must be taught…by preachers who are clothed with the humility of Christ and have the courage of their convictions. All the churches should be praying that God will give us God-fearing, truth-loving, earnest, faithful men for preachers and
teachers of His word.”

(GOSPEL ADVOCATE, April 7, 1932).
160 Rice Way
Florence, AL 35633


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