The Grace of God in Christ.

The Grace of God in Christ.

1.  Jesus Christ is “full of grace and truth”, Jno. 1:14.

  a.  Cannot separate grace from truth, vice versa, 1:17.

  b.  Abundant grace in Christ, Jno. 1:16 (cf. Rom. 5:20-21); Eph. 1:7-8.

2.  To be “strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus” we must know it, trust it and be thankful for it, 2 Tim. 2:1; 2 Pet. 3:18.



  A.  Divine Favor, Unmerited by Man, yet Freely Offered by God.

    1.  God’s plan of redemption is His great expression of grace, Eph. 1:4-7.

    2.  Offered to all, Titus 2:11 (1 Tim. 2:4); Heb. 2:9

  B.  Sinners Access God’s Grace by Faith, Rom. 5:1-2; Eph. 2:8.

    1.  The gospel gives access to salvation by grace, through faith, Rom. 1:16-17. Example: Acts 15:8-11

      a.  The “gospel of the grace of God”, Acts 20:24 (32).

      b.  The gospel calls sinners into grace, Gal. 1:6; cf. Act 13:38.

  C.  By Definition, God’s Grace is not Earned, but a gift from God. 

    1.  Grace cannot coexist with works to merit salvation, Rom. 11:5-6; 4:1-5.

    2.  But, grace and works of faith do coexist, Gal. 5:4-7; 1 Cor. 15:10.



  A.  Saves Sinners, Eph. 2:4-9.

    1.  By grace: the source, the gift of mercy and love.

    2.  Through faith: the sinner’s faith, produced by the gospel.

    3.  Not of yourselves; Salvation is God’s gift (charis, cf. 1 Cor. 16:3).

  B.  Justifies the Guilty, Rom. 3:23-24 (Tit. 3:7).

    1.  Condition: Through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.

    2.  Access into grace through faith (not the law of Moses), Rom. 5:2.

  C.  Makes Us Accepted in the Beloved (the Son), Eph. 1:6.

    1.  Only in Christ is grace bestowed; by God’s grace we are made gracious! 

      a.  Accepted (charitoo): To make graceful, agreeable, lovely; to honor with blessings.

      b.  By Christ (grace) we are encompassed with favor (1:3).

    2.  Conversion: Grace applied and blessings bestowed, Tit. 3:4-7.



  A.  Grace does not make it Impossible for Christians to Sin and Fall Away (to be lost), Gal. 5:3-7 (1:6-9).

    1.  Grace is greater than sin, yet it does not prevent Christians from choosing to sin and losing their souls, Jas. 5:19-20.

    2.  Trusting in God’s grace means keeping oneself from sin.

    3.  Trusting God’s grace is not ignoring sin, as if sin has no power to cause you to be lost, 1 Cor. 10:11-13.

  B.  Grace does not Turn Sin into Righteousness, Rom. 6:1-2.

    1.  Trusting in God’s grace means you make a choice that sin will not reign over you, Rom. 6:12-14; Gal. 2:18.

    2.  Grace does not...

      a.  Turn vain worship into true worship (as if how we worship does not matter), cf. Lev. 10:1-2 (Jno. 4:24).

      b.  Turn immorality into purity (as long as we are sincere), cf. Unscriptural divorce and remarriage without repentance and ceasing the sins, 2 Cor. 12:20-21.

      c.  Turn error into truth (word of His grace is true, Acts 20:32); Gal. 2:20-21.

  C.  Grace does not Sanction Fellowship with Sin or with those who Condone the Practitioners of Sin.

    1.  The heart is established (founded upon) grace; not upon false doctrines that bind where the Lord has not bound, Heb. 13:9.

    2.  Nor is grace extended to those who loose where the Lord has not loosed (going beyond the doctrine of Christ forfeits God’s grace), 2 Jno. 9.

    3.  Those who stand in the grace of God will not have fellowship with those who go beyond the doctrine of Christ, 2 Jno. 10-11.

RELATION OF GRACE & SIN (it overcomes sin) – Rom. 5:20-21; 3:20-26.

  A.  Grace Accomplishes What Law Cannot – Acts 15:11 (13:38-39).

    1.  Law cannot save – it condemns men as sinners – Gal. 3:10 (Rom. 3:20; 4:15).

    2.  Justification by faith (not by law) is due to God’s grace – Rom. 3:21-24; Gal. 3:11-14.

  B.  God’s Grace is Superior to Man’s Sin:  Rom. 5:20-21.

    1.  5:20 – Law exposed man’s sin & God’s wrath against it (3:19-20; 4:15) – but – Grace is greater than sin.

    2.  5:21 – Sin’s domain is death – but – grace’s domain is righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ!

  C.  Gospel of Grace Teaches Us to Give Up Sin as Our Way of Life – 6:2.

      -(“Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound?”) – Rom. 6:1, 15.

    1.  Deny sin…live soberly, righteously & godly – Tit. 2:11-12.

    2.  Sin no longer to have dominion over Christian – Rom. 6:14:

      a.  No longer live in it – 6:2.

      b.  No longer slaves to it – 6:6-7.

      c.  Dead to sin – 6:11.

      d.  Sin does not reign (rule) in body…do not obey its lusts – 6:12.

      e.  Do not yield your body to unrighteousness – 6:13.

    3.  Willful sin insults the Spirit of grace – Heb. 10:26, 29.


IV. RELATION OF GRACE & TRUTH (they are companions).

  A.  Jesus is the Fullness of Grace & Truth – Jno. 1:14, 16-17.

    1.  Cannot be saved by grace & reject Christ’s truth – Acts 20:24.

    2.  Cannot stand in truth with false concepts of grace.

  B.  Standing in Grace Means Walking in Truth – Rom. 5:2; Gal. 1:6-7.

    1.  Gal. 5:4 – Fall from grace when we live in error.

    2.  Gal. 5:5-7 – Our hope is by faith…working thru love…obeying!

    3.  1 Jno. 1:5-7 – Practice truth…walk in light…cleansing from sin.



  A.  Receiving Grace is Conditional –Tit. 2:11-12; 3:4-7; Gal. 5:5-7.

  B.  Grace Does not Save Christians in Spite of Their Sin – Rom. 6:16, 23.

      -(This is “once saved, always saved” thinking, 6:1, 15).

  C.  Grace Does Not Provide Automatic Forgiveness of Sin (“continual cleansing” – even as we sin).

    1.  Christians continue to be cleansed when they continue to walk in the light – 1 Jno. 1:9.  (We have to walk in the light to receive c.c.)

    2.  Classic argument: 

      a.  Man sees a woman, lusts after her & is hit by car:  Will God forgive him although he didn’t have chance to repent?

      b.  cf. Man on his way to be baptized, killed in accident:  Will God save him although he didn’t have a chance to be baptized?

      c.  Answer:

        1)  Hypothetical is constructed with a bias (how do you know he lusted?)!  Do you have the confidence to go stand in the street, lust after a woman, and let a car run you over?

        2)  Motive is to justify clear error without repenting of it!

        3)  Christian who is walking in the light avoids lust.

        4)  God will judge righteously – that we are certain.

*   3.  If standing in grace means automatic forgiveness (“continual cleansing”) for Christians, then…

        a.  How can Christians ever sin?  1 Jno. 1:8

        b.  Why are Christians told to do anything when they sin?  1 Jno. 1:9; Acts 8:22 (confess sin, repent & pray)

        c.  Why is fellowship with God conditional?  1 Jno. 1:7

        d.  How is it possible for Christians to fall from grace?  Gal. 5:4

        e.  How is it possible for Christian to “fall short” of grace of God?  Heb. 12:15

        f.  Why deny worldly lusts?  Tit. 2:11-12

        g.  Why obey God?  Jno. 14:15

        h.  Why are Christians urged to continue in the grace of God?  Acts 13:43


1.  God’s grace does not and will not save you in spite of your sins.

2.  God’s grace has appeared and offers salvation to every sinner.

3.  The gospel of grace calls the lost to be saved by grace through faith. Obey the Master and be saved, Heb. 5:8-9.
4. Embrace the plan of God's Truth for the salvation of Man, by His Grace today, and be free from the guilt of SIN.
5. The decision is yours.
If you fail to take this step which come to you by His Grace, then, you have closed the door of His Grace against yourself. Beware, and be warned!!!  Maranatha!




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