(Romans 8:1)

1. No condemnation (Ro 8:1).
2. Walk not according to flesh but the Spirit (Ro 8:4).
3. Life and peace (Ro 8:6).
4. Christ is in you . . . the Spirit is life because of righteousness (Ro 8:10).
5. Spirit of adoption (Ro 8:15).
6. Heirs (Ro 8:17).


(Romans 8:1)

1. Hope, patience (Ro 8:24, 25).
2. Spirit helps in prayer (Ro 8:26, 27).
3. All things work together for good (Ro 8:28).
4. God is for us (Ro 8:31-33).
5. Inseparable from love of Christ (Ro 8:35, 38, 39).
6. Overwhelmingly conqueror (Ro 8:37).
There is therefore now no condemnation [there is then, so there is, now no
condemnation]. [ 3 ] "Therefore" refers back to chapter 7, and the fact that God set us free through Christ (see notes on Ro 7:25; 8:16). "No condemnation" is the corollary to forgiveness and justification (see note on verse 34). After the darkness of sin described in chapter 7, we enter the golden sunlight of salvation in Christ in chapter 8. With a glorious air of freedom, Paul lauds the wonderful forgiveness in Christ.
A similar plateau of rejoicing was realized in Romans 5:1, where Paul said we are justified by faith and have peace with God. Outside of Christ, all accountable adults are condemned. For the faithful in Him there is no condemnation!
Who condemns? There is a sense in which Christ does (see notes on Joh 5:22; 12:48; Ac 17:30, 31; Ro 8:34). However, the faithful in Christ have blessed assurance of God's love, forgiveness of sins, Christ's intercession and eternal life (Ro 6:23; 8:35; Heb 7:25).


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