Whom Are You Following?

Whom Are You Following?

Derek Broome

If we were to stop and think for a moment, we would all probably come to the same conclusion that even though there are many terrible things in the world, there are still so many things in this world that we love and cherish. While there is nothing wrong with having things that mean a lot to us and that are special in our lives, it is still possible for these things that we love to be the things that separate us from God.
One of the more difficult conversations I have ever experienced in my life took place in a different country many years ago. A young woman was living with a man that had separated from his wife. This young woman had been living with this man for years. They had a child together. She loved him, but she could not marry him. Legally, he was still married, and in addition, he could not have a scriptural divorce. This woman was on the verge of being converted. There and then, she was faced with a decision that would change her life forever, either to stay with the man or put him away, repent and be baptized.
We as humans have made the issue of marriage, divorce and remarriage a major issue in the body of Christ today. According to Matthew 19:8, it is because of the hardness of the hearts of men that divorce was ever permitted by Moses. The Word also tells us plainly that divorce was never part of God’s plan. “So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6).
In Matthew 19:9, Jesus continued the discussion of divorce, teaching that sexual immorality is the only reason one can divorce one’s spouse and marry again. A divorced person that has been put away for sexual immorality cannot remarry, and neither can a person that has been divorced for a reason other than sexual immorality remarry.
The law that Jesus states in Matthew 19 is a law for all of mankind. Things do not just become sinful after a person becomes a Christian. We as human beings are going to be faced with choices in our lives. It is up to us to decide whether we are going to follow the world or follow the commandments of God.


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