Why I am a Member of the Church of Christ

People have offered a variety of reasons for their religious connections. I am here presenting my reasons for being a member of the church of Christ; but, first, some negative thoughts:

Not because of wealth.
The Roman Catholic Church is probably the wealthiest (in material worth) religious organization in the world. The Mormon Church ranks high in wealth among American churches. If I were interested in the material value of a religious body, I would not be a member of the church of Christ.

Not because of popularity.
The Southern Baptist Denomination boasts of the largest membership of any Protestant body in the United States. If I wanted to be lined up with something big and popular, I would not be a member of the church of Christ.

Not because of social prestige.
Most of the people in the church of Christ are just plain, ordinary folks socially.

Not because of convenience.
At times it would be much more convenient to belong to some denominational organization. One could remain in good standing with little effort, and could be considerably more lax in his living without anyone attempting to correct him.

Not because of family connection.
No one ever tried to get me into the church of Christ in order to maintain a family tradition. If he had done so, and I suppose such things may sometimes occur, he would have been using the wrong motive.

The Best Reason I Can Offer
The reason why I am a member of the church of Christ is quite simple. I heard the gospel of Christ, I believed it, and was baptized for the remission of my sins. The people who taught me the gospel were content to stop where the gospel stops. They did not ask me to affiliate with any denomination. I have never done so. Hence, I became a Christian and a Christian only, was added by the Lord to His church (Acts 2:47) and have since worked and worshipped with the people who did the same.

You might say that I am a member of the church of Christ for the same reason that I am a Christian; obedience to the gospel of Christ never makes one anything else. The same Lord who saves people (making them Christians) adds them to His church (the church He built).

If the Lord added to the Methodist Church such as should be saved, I would be a Methodist. If he added to the Lutheran Church such as should be saved, I would be a Lutheran. If He added to the Presbyterian Church such as should be saved, I would be a Presbyterian. But since He adds to His own church, that is where He put me and that is where I am to stay.


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