How Much Are You Giving? Ten Percent Is a Place to Start, Not Stop

How Much Are You Giving?
Ten Percent Is a Place to Start, Not Stop

By Edd Sterchi

     So how much are you giving for the work of the Lord? Just that question alone makes one think of financial giving, doesn’t it? And we could discuss that, for we must always be giving thought to giving regularly and properly (1 Cor. 16:12) as well as with the right attitude (2 Cor. 9:7). I remember hearing about a church member who asked a preacher if one should give 10% of their income to the Lord. The preacher replied that the command concerning the tithe was nailed to the cross (cf. Col. 2:14), but that 10% was still a good place to start! It might be interesting to divide your total contributions by your total income and see what percent you are giving.
     But there are other ways to give, as well. It might also be interesting to take inventory and see what percent of your time you are giving for the work of the Lord. Let’s do a little experiment. There are 168 hours in a week. Taking off 56 hours for sleeping, that leaves 112 waking hours. Using the 10% as a starting figure for the Lord, that would be 11 hours. Taking off 4 hours for weekly worship and Bible studies (that’s assuming you attend both worship services and both Bible studies), that leaves 7 hours. Now the big question: Do you spend 7 hours per week studying the Scriptures, praying, visiting, sending cards, evangelizing, teaching, encouraging, helping others, etc? Like the preacher’s advice in financial giving, I suggest 7 hours a week for the Lord is a good place to start – after all,that’s only one hour per day!
“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time...” (Eph. 5:15-16, ESV)

- Edd Sterchi preaches for the Jackson church of Christ in Jackson, MO.  He may be contacted through the congregation's website:





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