Garland M. Robinson

Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6), “for whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Rom. 14:23). The injunction of II Cor. 5:7 is that we “walk by faith, not by sight.” Since faith comes by hearing God’s word (Rom. 10:17), we therefore live according to his word and not what may appear right in our own eyes (Jer. 10:23). Many ways may seem right to men, but they are the ways of death (Prov. 14:12). We are to walk “in the light” of God’s word (I John 1:7). When we step out of God’s searchlight of truth, we place ourselves outside of God’s approval. Unless we live according to his word (walking by faith), we are not pleasing to him and are guilty of sin. Sin separates us from God (Isa. 59:1-2) and separation from God leads to eternal torment (Matt. 25:46). Therefore, “whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Col. 3:16). To do a thing in his name simply means to do it by his authority or command. 
In respect to mechanical instruments of music being used in worship to God, the New Testament does not give any authority for it. It is NOT walking by faith to employ its use and if we do not walk by faith, we sin against God. Notice these plain facts about it. CHRIST never COMMANDED it, the HOLY SPIRIT never AUTHORIZED it, no APOSTLE ever SANCTIONED it, no NEW TESTAMENT writer ever ENDORSED it, and no NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH ever EMPLOYED it! The use of it is SIN!! It is a sin because we cannot use it in faith and obedience to God. 
Mechanical instrumental music is a SIN because: 
It rejects New Testament authority. Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth (Matt. 28:18) and he did not instruct the apostles to use it. The Holy Spirit led the apostles into all truth (John 16:13) and he did not lead them to use it. God tells us what he wants and when we reject what he says we reject his salvation, for salvation only comes to those who obey him (Heb. 5:9). 
It goes beyond that which is written. We are not to think above that which is written (I Cor. 4:6). We must not add to or take away from God’s word (Rev. 22:18-19). We must not go beyond the doctrine of Christ, for if we do so we no longer have fellowship with God and Christ (II John 9-11). To teach and practice another gospel than what God has given is to invoke the wrath of God upon us (Gal. 1:6-9). 
It violates scriptural worship. Our worship must be in “spirit and truth” (John 4:24). To worship in truth is to worship according to the truth. God’s word is truth (John 17:17); hence, we must worship according to the instructions of the New Testament. When something other than the human voice is employed, we violate God’s specified plan of worship and no longer worship according to the truth. 
It causes division. God hates division and those who cause it (Prov. 6:19). Jesus prayed for unity (John 17:20-21). The apostles taught and commanded unity (I Cor. 1:10). Those who cause division are to be marked and avoided (Rom. 16:17). Who is causing division, the one who introduces its use or the one who opposes its use? It is not difficult to figure out who has violated God’s instructions. The one who adds to what God commanded is the one who causes division, not those who contend for what God authorizes! 
The use of mechanical instruments of music is an innovation of man that is totally without Bible authority and constitutes VAIN WORSHIP. Vain worship brings the curse of God upon it (Matt. 15:9). It is a plant God has not planted and will be rooted up (Matt. 15:13). 
Leroy Brownlow gives four logical arguments as to why mechanical instruments of music cannot be used in worship to God. (Why I Am A Member of Church of Christ, pp.178-179) 

Argument One: 
(1) Every Scripture is given that the man of God may be furnished unto every good work (II Tim. 3:16-17). 
(2) No Scripture authorizes instrumental music in the worship today (cannot be found). 
(3) Therefore, instrumental music in the worship today is not a good work. 

Argument Two: 
(1) It is a violation of the Lord’s will to go beyond the things which are written (I Cor. 4:6). 
(2) Musical instruments in New Testament worship have not been written (cannot be found). 
(3) Therefore, those who use musical instruments in the worship today violate the Lord’s will. 

Argument Three: 
(1) “So belief cometh of hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). 
(2) The word of Christ does not give us musical instruments in the worship (cannot be found). 
(3) Therefore, instrumental music in the worship is not an act of faith. 

Argument Four: 
(1) God has given us all that pertains to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3). 
(2) What God has given does not mention instrumental music in New Testament worship (cannot be found). 
(3) Therefore, instrumental music in the worship today does not pertain unto life and godliness. 

A number of years ago I was talking to Jeff Walling and asked him if he believed it was a sin to use mechanical instruments of music. He tried to get around the question the first three or four times I ask him. But, I listened carefully and patiently and he never answered the question. So, I would ask it again. Finally, in frustration, he replied, No, I don't believe it's a sin because the Bible does not say it is a sin. 
It's simple question. Instrumental music is either a sin or it is not a sin. If it is not a sin, then I am sinning by refusing its use. If, on the other hand, it is sinful to use it, then those who use it and/or allow its use are sinning. 
Where do YOU stand?


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