The (Real) Great Tribulation.

The (Real) Great Tribulation.

Ruel D. Catlett.

Jesus said, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world," John 16:33.

Contrary to popular belief, the "great tribulation" of the Revelation letter isn't merely some distinct period of persecution. Revelation was written with a view toward the physical suffering of Christians, and many have suffered in that manner; yet persecution doesn't exhaust the meaning of "tribulation."

"Tribulation" describes the struggle that living as a child of God may be, whenever, wherever, or however it may occur. It's the conflict that comes into the life of every Christian because Satan wants our soul. It's every temptation to give up and turn away from God because of weariness, weakness, or the rebellion that is in us against what is best for us. "Tribulation" is whatever is within or without that opposes the realization of our spiritual goals.

It is not in us, humanly, to overcome the trials, temptations, loneliness and disappointments that stand in the way of spiritual victory.

Nevertheless, Revelation tells of a "great multitude" who have come out of the great tribulation (Revelation 7). Their "white" robes (verse 9) do not suggest that they have come through the conflict unmarked; no, their purity is the result of having been "washed in the blood of the Lamb," (verse 14). This is God's cleansing agent, the power through which frail, sinful humanity is presented victorious! Not OUR victory, but HIS!

The ravages of tribulation are removed in forgiveness and restoration of fellowship with God in Jesus. In Him, even the trials designed to defeat us become the means of spiritual growth.

This victory, this overcoming, is for those who persist in depending on the power that is ours through Christ's victory. And persistence is the KEY to overcoming. It means that, however disappointed, we DO NOT QUIT! However we may fail in behavior, we persist in depending on the blood that maintains our fellowship with God. 

Let this be our assurance in any time of tribulation, whatever its form: "To him who overcomes, I will give the crown of life," (Revelation 2:10).





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