Symptoms & Treatments For Spiritual Illness

Symptoms & Treatments For Spiritual Illness

Sometimes those who should be healthy, happy, productive Christians find themselves suffering from symptoms that indicate something is wrong in their spiritual lives. The following symptoms tell us that we need help to correct problems and misunderstandings in our Christian life.

·        Depression.

·        A compulsion to prove we are faithful servants.

·        An ongoing feeling of guilt and shame.

·        A feeling that we are never doing enough for God.

·        Low self-esteem or sense of worth.

·        Hating oneself.

·        A critical spirit towards self and others.

·        Fatigue, especially when it comes to attending services and classes and participating in the activities of the church.

·        Insecurity.

·        Jealousy toward others for their success, their happy families, etc.

·        Resentment or anger, bitterness or rage toward others,even toward God and Christian leaders.

Helpful suggestions for spiritual healing:

·        Take an honest inventory of your spiritual life (I Cor. 11:28).

·        Be sure to count the blessings God has bestowed upon you.

·        Spend time alone with God in prayer, meditation, reading of Scripture and introspection.

·        Confess, openly, fully and without reservation any sins you recognize in your life...past and present (I John :9).

·        Follow this up with words of confession and reconciliation with anyone with whom you have been at odds. Even if they are clearly at fault, it will do you good to purge your soul of anger and resentment toward them. Apologize if you are at fault. If not, at least let them know you want to be on cordial terms if at all possible. Whatever, refuse to harbor any ill will or anger towards them (Matt. 5:22-23).

·        Make yourself get fully involved in church, attending all the services and participating in all the classes you can. Loneliness is a breeding ground for many spiritual ills. In the church we find friends and fellowship that will help us as we struggle with the burdens of life (Gal. 6:1-2). Loving Christians will help us get back on our feet when we are in the ditch of despair.

·        Look for opportunities to help those less fortunate than you. Even if you have no funds to share, you can give you time and concern to those who are struggling to survive. Often in such efforts we see just how small our problems are. There is joy and satisfaction in assisting others with their burdens.

·        When you awake, begin your day with serious prayer, asking God for help for the day’s task. Along the way pray when the pressures mount or the temptations are sore. Ask for wisdom in the decisions you must make. Express your thanks for the food you enjoy. When at last you retire for sleep let your closing thoughts be in conversation with God, thanking him for the blessings he has bestowed.

Never forget that “the kingdom of God is ...righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 14:17). Jesus wants you to have life, and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).


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