Today's Verse: Lamentations 3:26

"...It is good that one should hope and wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord..."


It is our duty always, and will be our comfort and satisfaction, to hope and sincerely seek for the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Afflictions do and will work very much for our good: many have found it good to bear this yoke in their youth; it has made many humble and serious, and has weaned them from the world, who otherwise would have become proud and unruly. 

If tribulation works patience, and patience works experience, then experience makes a hope that makes not ashamed!

Have you noticed most of our time in this world is spent in waiting? We wait standing in line for our turn at the Bus Terminals, we wait for Exam results, and we wait for the Lord’s Day. Though we wait, but time passes away slowly!

Waiting is a big part of life. It becomes overwhelming when we’re in distress. Sometimes, we experience cascade of emotions and thoughts overlapping each other; anxiety, excitement and joy. We must admit that we are always restless. God will consistently crush our doubts over and over again. Proving to us that His timing, plans and ways are the best. He really is with us throughout all our ordeals. Be it guiding the hands of the physician or the pilot of a plane we’re aboard. 

It’s common to hear “peace be with you”, but isn’t it high time to practice “wait in peace and be patient”? God knows our every thought and need. We need not shout for Him to hear us. Instead, let us ask, seek and knock, as we wait quietly, peacefully grounded in the faith, for our prayers to be answered!

Today's Prayer:

Heavenly Father, teach us to faithfully wait on You, and give us your peace, and rest, as we wait. Help us to serve You without complaining, and murmuring. We place our trust in You, oh Lord , for all the days of our lives.
Kindly heal the sick, and provide for the needy around us. 

(This work is under the oversight of the Brethren in the Church of Christ, Ekute Quarters Ado Ekiti)
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