TODAY'S VERSE: Proverbs 22:5‭-‬6 NKJV

"...Thorns and snares are in the way of the perverse; He who guards his soul will be far from them. Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it..."

 In today’s world, Drug Abuse has become the most common thing, and many youths are destroying their lives by getting addicted to drugs. It's very important to be proactive as Parents, and sensitize your child on the subject of drug abuse.

 Drug abuse is ruining the lives of many, and putting their future in a great darkness of drug addictions and overdoses. 

The question many Parents are faced with is "what can I do as a person, to combat this enormous problem?" 
For the addict or the family of an addict, this issue is one of many that confront us. Getting help from rehab, and groups that deal with addiction can help. 
However, maybe we need to look at this another way. Let us raise our children according to the christian values and virtues. If we raise them according to God’s Word, then we have a better chance against fighting addictions and all the destructive behaviors that goes with it. 

Who wants to be held in bondage to the slavery of addiction? Matthew 6:24 tells us we can’t serve two masters. Let’s teach our children about God the Father, and Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit our Comforter. 
Then, our Children will have the necessary scriptural wisdom, knowledge and understanding as tools to use in navigating through all the dangerous alleys of this perverse and adulterous World, as they get older. To avoid becoming slaves to addictions, our children must learn how to fight addictions, and we just need to help them, so thank sin do no control their exploring minds. 

Our Children's heart must be filled with the Word of God, from the day of their beginning, and we must let the Holy Spirit be the one who does that with a life of peace and assurance, by the love of God the Almighty.

Dear Parents, "do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord."

Heavenly Father, please help us in raise our children in Your Holy Word. Grant us the courage to accept our failures as Parents, and the boldness to give our children the second chance to live a Holy life free from the bondage of slavery to addictions. 
Kindly, heal the sick and provide for the needy around us.


(This work is under the oversight of the Church of Christ Ekute Quarters Ado Ekiti Nigeria.
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