Elders and Preachers Working Relationship

Elders and Preachers Working Relationship

THEME: But Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Our Lord and Savior  2 Peter 3:18

Bible Teaching Delivered At the Church of Christ, Challenge, Ibadan On Saturday, March 11, 2017

By: Bro. B. O. Matanmi (08035667991), Church of Christ, Igbein, Abeokuta

In the Church, the fold of Christ and the kingdom of God on earth, Elders are also known as BISHOPS, PASTORS, OVERSEERS, SHEPHERDS or PRESBYTERS. The duty Of Elders are within the Fold in the Local Church where they are members, because their ability is limited due to their age - I Tim. 3:4-5, Titus 1:5-6. Note: - Having faithful children; One who rules his house well; Acts 14:23  Elder in every Church - Every Local Church with her own Elders. These are not Young Men but Elderly Ones advanced in age. Not one Elder but Elders.
Preacher is also known as: EVANGELIST, MINISTER, and STEWARD in the FOLD of Christ, the Church of Christ, Pillar and Ground of the Truth - I Tim. 3:15, Acts 21:8, 8:5-12, 26-40, II Tim. 4:5. Evangelists (Preachers) are mostly Young Men that can go from one place to other places - Timothy, Titus, Philip, Epaphroditus (I Tim. 4:12, 2 Tim. 2:22, Titus 2:15) and host of others who were companion with Bro. Paul - Acts 19:29, 17:14-15, 20:4-5, Phil. 2:15.
The Preachers  and Elders Duties:
Preachers duty is TO PREACH THE WORD: 2 Tim. 4:1-5 Remember Philip in Act 8:5-12, 35-40, 21:8 and Paul with his companions as shown above  Matt. 28:18-20 Acts 1:8. Their duties are always in two parts:
Within the world to bring in converted souls by preaching the Gospel to all Creature  Matt. 28:19, 24:14.
Within in the Church of God:
To build up the converts to maturity that they can go and win others. Matt. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, 8:1-4&5, 11:19-26, 19:9-10, 18:20 2 Tim. 2:2.
To build up the converts to become Teachers, Deacons, Evangelist and Elders too.
The field work of a Preacher is very large than that of the Elders. Evangelists (Preachers) are to preach from villages to villages; towns to towns and even nation to nations. Matt. 28:19, Acts 8:5, 40,21:8,11:19-26, 13.ETC (1 Tim. 3:1-15, 2 Tim. 2:2-4, 4:1-5, Titus 15:9-13).
Among those whom Preacher taught are found: - Teachers of the gospel, Preachers like him and even Elders and Deacons. Thereafter, the Elders taught to be ordained as Elders by Preacher in turn rule over the preacher and the whole Congregation - Acts 20:17-28, 1 Peter 5:1-4.
With all of the above, Elders and Preacher(s) are Co-workers in the Lords Vineyard - 1 Cor. 3:5, 11.  As Preacher will preach, win souls into the Church and teach them to be matured, Elders are to see that the Saints remain faithful and be more perfect in the Lord, not remain Babies (Eph 4:14-15, Heb. 5:11-14). Elders are to arrange, how Saints will not remain Babies, by having classes of studies such as:
New Converts Class
Adult Class
Sisters Class
Teachers or development class E.T.C. - Acts 20:17-28, 1 Tim. 3:1-2, 5:17, Heb. 13:17, 1 Pet 5:1-4. Preacher must not be left out of these arrangements.
The Fundamental Questions To Elders  Preachers Working Relationship:
I think there are two questions that will tell us a lot about the Elders/ Preachers Relationship. If these two questions are not answered appropriately, then we are likely to run into many problems in the Lords Church:
1. What is an Elder to a Preacher?
2. What is a Preacher to an Elder?
The first notion we have to remove from our minds is that this is a Boss/Employee Relationship. If that concept is present at all in your Elders/ Preachers Relationships, then they are destined to struggle. Elders and Preachers are Brothers in Christ, first and foremost. They are a team working toward the same goal. But the Elders must also understand that they are Shepherds to the Preacher(s) in the same way they are Shepherds to the rest of the Congregation. They are to Guide, Nurture, Encourage, etc.
Secondly, it is absolutely vital that Elders recognize that the role of the Preacher is not limited to the rest of the Congregation. The man in the pulpit is responsible for Preaching and Teaching the Word of God to the Eldership just as much as he is responsible for doing so to the rest of the Church. No true Shepherd is above being taught, even by the youngest of Preachers.
The Needs of Elders  Preachers Working Relationship: Guiding Principles:
Mutual Respect:  We start here because I believe that everything else is going to hinge on this. If there is mutual respect, then the rest of these five Guiding Principles are likely to flow more naturally. If there isnt mutual respect, many problems will be created. This mutual respect can break down in a number of areas. If the Boss/Employee Relationship is present, there is a lack of respect. If the Elders refuse to consider the Preachers input valid and valuable, theres a lack of respect.
Regular and Open Communication: I think a lot of Elders and Preachers feel as though they communicate well. But, the reality is that they often are ignoring one of the two emphases here. Regular Communication does not mean a once-a-month meeting for 30 minutes. There are needs to be a continuing dialogue between the Elders and Preachers as the case arises, whether it is via e-mail, phone calls, texts, or whatever method you prefer, in addition to regularly scheduled meetings. This prevents misunderstandings, and allows everyone to be on the same page. Also, Open Communication means that everyone is comfortable enough to say what he really thinks, without fear of retribution. Again, if there is a lack of respect present, then open communication cannot occur because someones opinion would not be considered valid.
Encouragement: It is imperative that there be a concerted effort between the Preachers and Elders to encourage each other. Take the time to send a quick e-mail, text message, or other communication that simply expresses your gratitude for the work they are doing.
Prayer: NO relationship is going to be built to last without being built on prayer. We emphasize this regularly to Young Couples as they prepare for marriage. And it is something that must be a part of the relationship between Elders and Preachers. Pray together. Pray for each other. Pray for each others relationships within the congregation. Just pray!
Annual Evaluations: This is an opportunity for the kind of communication that needs to exist. How will the Preachers ever know if he is doing something well, or needs improvement, if the Elders do not take the time to share it with him? Do not turn this into a shooting gallery, but allow for some discussion of areas that are going well, as well as some focus on areas in need of development. This also should be a time when the Preachers can share his thoughts on areas that the Elders may need to refine. No one is above error, so we must understand that this needs to be a two-way Street of Honest Communication and Respect.
The Elders  Preachers Working Relationship Status:
Elders and Preachers Working relationship must be cordial, reliable and be encouraging for the uplifting of the Church of God. They are to be good example for the Church - 1 Tim. 4:12, 1 Pet 5:2-3.
Elders and Preacher(s) are Co-workers in the Lords Church 1 Cor. 3:5-10
Elders and Preacher are Co-minister & Stewards 1 Cor. 4:1-2
Elders and Preacher(s) are to be faithful in their mission 1 Cor. 4:1-2
Their labours are not in vain 1 Cor. 15:58
Each of them is to be rewarded proportionately to the measure of service rendered - 2 Cor. 5:9-10, Gal. 6:7-10, Rev, 22:12-14.
They are to have FEAR OF GOD IN THEIR DEALINGS - Pro 9:10, Eccl. 12:13. Fear of God will surely lead and enable them to be strong and perform their duties perfectly as to please God that they are serving  Gen. 6:22, Neh. 5:15.
Every wise Christian will surely have good working relationship with other Christians in the vineyard of God and Christ Jesus our Lord:
For the uplifting and progress of the Lords Church
For your Reward is according to the Proportion of the service rendered by you - 2 Cor. 5:10, Gal 6:7-8, Rev 22:12.
Considering the above submissions, every member of a Local Church of Christ must co-operate with the Elders and Preacher(s) in their working relationship for they work for the Church to progress and remain faithful to the end. An adage says: A Tree cannot make a Forest; in unity, we stand firmly; in division, lies much set back and defeat - Matt. 12:25, 1 Cor. 1:10, 12:20-25. Let the Lord Jesus Christ Prayer be answered - John 17:20-21.
As Christians, I want us to consider and re-consider the description given to us in 1 Peter 2:9 - Read..
A Chosen Generation
A Royal Priesthood
An Holy Nation and
A Peculiar People and too as a Preacher of the Undiluted Gospel of Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 Cor. 3:9: Co-worker together with God Almighty in heaven. This is a highest position in this world. And Jesus promised to be with us. No fear  Matt. 28:18-20.
In this world, if a person is a Co-worker with a Governor of a State or a Co-worker with a President of a Nation, such a person must be happy and feel honoured. How much more then with one as a Co-worker with God Almighty in heaven? Let us re-consider this and be more careful to try our best to see that we live a life that is worthy of what we are and whom we are in order to be at the Right Hand of God on the Last Day - 1 Cor. 4:1-2, Rev. 2:10.
Thank you and God bless. Amen.


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