Should We Believe the Book of Mormon?

Should We Believe the Book of Mormon?

"Should we believe that Joseph Smith in fact was told by God that we should all be a part of the Mormon Religion?"

Members of the 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' claim the Book of Mormon is of divine origin. They believe it to be a book more important than the Bible, for they do not think the Bible, as we have it, is correctly translated. Mormons contend that Joseph Smith, Jr., born in Vermont in 1805, received visits from The Father and the Son, and from an angel named Moroni in 1820 and 1823. He also supposedly received ancient writings (600 BC - 421 AD) on golden plates that were hidden in a hill near Palmyra, New York in 1829. The Book of Mormon, published in 1830, is said to be Smith's translation of the alleged golden plates.
However, The Book of Mormon is NOT of divine origin and there are many ways in which this fact can be proven. In our limited space we list only a few of them.
1. The Book of Mormon denies the claim of inspiration by its own words. The Book of Mormon says in 1Nephi 1:3, "I make it according to my knowledge." 1Nephi 19:6 says, "I think it to be sacred...and if I do err..." Jacob 7:26 says, "I have written according to the best of my knowledge." Mormon 8:12 states, "Because of the imperfections which are in it." Ether 5:1 says, "I have written the words according to my memory." Jacob 1:2 says, "I should write upon these plates a few of the things which I consider to be most precious." Thus, these statements from the Book of Mormon itself is proof that it is of human origin.
2. The Book of Mormon shows itself to be a fraud by the copied words from the King James Version of the Bible. There are over 25,000 words taken directly from the King James version of 1611. How could the Book of Mormon have originated from the years of 600 BC to 421 AD and be written in the King's English of 1611 AD? For example, Mosiah 3:24, supposedly written in 124 BC reads, "Whereof they shall be judged, every man according to his works, whether they be good or whether they be evil." Anyone can turn to 2Cor. 5:10 of the King James Version and see where these words came from. For other examples of this see 2 Nephi 7, 8 and Moroni 7:45.
3. The Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible in many places. The following are just a couple of examples. The Book of Mormon says Jesus was to be born "at Jerusalem" (Alma 7:10). The Bible says, "in Bethlehem of Judea" (Matt. 2:1). The Book of Mormon has the church in existence more than a century before Christ (Mosiah 18:17). Jesus said, ten months before His crucifixion, "I will build My church" (Mat.16:18). No one can believe both the Bible and the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
This is only some of the overwhelming evidence that proves the human origin of the Book of Mormon. Jesus instructed His apostles to teach "all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Mat. 28:18-20). The apostles did not teach the Book of Mormon for it was not published until 1830. Therefore, Jesus did not command the Book of Mormon. Jesus said the Holy Spirit would guide the apostles into all truth. When the Holy Spirit came He did not guide the apostles into the Book of Mormon. Therefore, the Book of Mormon is NOT the truth and we should not believe it (Gal. 1:6-9).
Paul Smithson


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