By: Bro. Morotoluwa Isaac.

The Church under consideration here is the one promised by Jesus Christ in (Matt. 16:18) and not denominational Churches founded by men. The word Church is from the Greek word ekklesia which means the called out referring to any assembly of people whether religious or non-religious (Acts. 7:38, 19:32, 39). Jesus used this Greek word in reference to His own people He would call out from the world of sin into the services of the living God. This was Gods assembly, because God was the convener. God called us by the gospel for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, (11Thess. 2:14, 1Pt. 5:10). This Church came into existence on Pentecost of AD. 33 in the city of Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit came down upon the Apostles of Christ. (Acts. 2:1-14).
The people of God in any locality is organized by God to function in worship, preaching of the Gospel, edification of members and caring for poor members. God has not organized His Church internationally, nationally or district by district, rather  He designed an organization for His people specifically and exclusively on the local level. the Church. The Church in Jerusalem had elders and deacons (Acts. 6: 1-7, Acts. 15:6) Apostles Paul and Barnabas appointed elders in every Church (Acts. 14:23) Titus was instructed to appoint elders in every city (Titus 1:5-9)
The Church at Philippi had Bishops and Deacons (Phil 1:1) Apostle Paul told the elders of the Church in Ephesus that God has made them bishops, overseers to shepherd or pastor the Church in Ephesus (Acts. 20:17-28) In 1 pt. 5:1 -3 Apostle Peter through the Holy Spirit said that the function or oversight of elders does not extend beyond the local church in which they have been appointed. The qualifications of these men are set forth in (1Tim. 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9). It is expected that each local Church would appoint qualified man to this office as soon as they were found qualified.
This is done to enable each local Church to be equally capable of executing Gods will. Each local church was established autonomous and ordained that each be organized with a plurality of qualified elders. Phil 1:1; Acts 14:23; Acts 20:17 & 28; 1Pt. 5:1-4, 11tim. 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-9) with this arrangement no congregation was organized to superintend any other congregation. Each congregation was independently organized, independently directed and independently commissioned.
At this point, I want to believe that all of us have gotten the picture very clearly that our Lord has specified the organization  (the local church to fulfill His mission on earth).

What is an Organization?
According to Wikipedia an organization is an entity comprising multiple people such as an institution or an association that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment. The word is derived from the Greek word organon which means organ. Organization can be formal or informal, the difference between the two is that in a formal setting, the system is used or done in accordance with legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules. The converse holds true in an informal situation.

Characteristics of Formal Organization
1) The structure (a whole constructed unit, especially a building; A set of interconnecting part of any complex thing; a frame work is laid down by top management to achieve organizational goals.
2) The structure is based on division of labour and specialization to achieved efficiency in the operation
3) The structure concentrates on the jobs to be performed and not the individuals to perform it.
4) The organization does not take into consideration the sentiments of organizational members.
5) The authority and responsibility created by the organization are to be honoured by every one
If the forgoing characteristics are easily identifiable in any system, then we can safety conclude that such system is an organization.

Characteristics features of an Informal Organization
1. Informal relations are unplanned. They arise spontaneously.
2. Formation of informal organization is a natural process
3. Informal organization is based on common interest, taste, problems etc.
4. Informal organization reflects human relationship.
5. Membership of informal organization is voluntary.
The church as a divine organization set up by God met the characteristics of a formal organization


CHRIST                               (Registered in heaven)
Head over all things in the            Heb. 12:23
Church. Eph. 1:22                  (Aims & Objectives)             Fund          Constitution      
                               1. Worship Acts. 2:42         * Collection by                     The New                                                                 
1. Elders / Deacons                2. Evangelism             individual upon                 Testament
2. Evangelist/ Teachers3. Edification      Eph. 4:11     the 1st day of the                law
3. Saints4. Benevolence             week.1Cor.16:1-2              John 12:48
5. Training members to      
               become preachers        2 Tim.2:2

Note: Training of preachers can be done by a preacher in a local congregation or by the cooperative efforts with other preachers under the oversight of elders and deacon where available or under the supervision of a local church who will determined the format or modus operandi of the training according to their own ability.

Example II: The WBS is a Human organization set up by men. It meets the characteristics of a formal organization parallel to the church.

*Registered in Texas
*Started by Jimmie Lovell in 1972
Oversight       in southern califonia
*Board of Trustee/Directors*Headed by Tex Williams who                           Fund                             
*Administrative staff              retired in March 2006      *Churches        
*Secretary                        *The current president is John Reese         *Individual
*Treasurer etc.                          and the Editor of Action! Newspaper
Bye  laws
   Aims & Objectives
* Evangelism through Bible
      Correspondence course

WBS has worker employed to do follow  up on students. Jake coppinger worked in devising this plans. He said,  We have people working full-time in Ghana, Liberia, India and Malawi. Raph perry supervises follow up work in Nigeria. In the same article he says, support runs from S 60.00 a month in some countries up to S 300.00 and all of this is handled through our follow-up work in Visalla, Califonia with funds provided by churches and individuals who want someone to follow-up on their students (Action Jan; 1986, P4)
We would like to see more churches financially supporting WBS. Small churches that do no mission work because they are small would find themselves responsible for more baptisms than more large churches if they simply sent a monthly check to WBS to help with this good work. Mention it to the leaders and elders where you worship and ask that they consider doing it. (Action, March, 1986, P.2)
WBS organization is superior and more effective than the local church in converting people and making convert stick better than our local converts Churches do themselves an injustice by not becoming involves in WBS. Nothing compares with it in our world. (Action, Nov. 1984, vol. 48, No 9)
Action is a monthly religious publication and mouth piece of WBS founded by Jimmie Lovell and presently edited by Reuel Lemmons. Action! The voice of W.B.S.
The above quote and many others are wild denial of the competency and sufficiency of the church designed by divine wisdom for a divine purpose. It is a wild impeachment of the wisdom of God in His divine plan and programme. WBS is not just a method of teaching but an organization that employs methods, hires personal and solicits contributions from churches and individuals for doing its work. It is not a local church but an organization formed by a man for doing what local churches are to do.

Example III
                                                            YOUTH ORGANISATION

         President                         Aim & Objectives
         Secretary   Evangelism                           Fund
         Treasurer                                                              Individual                             Constitution
                                                                         & ChurchesBye - laws
This organization may and may not be registered, but in most cases they operate independently within the church organization. This is also unscriptural. There should not be any one to establish another organization either smaller or larger than the local church to do the work God has committed to His Church. Faithful children of God ought to love, defend and protect that which Jesus died for rather than dissipating energies and resources on any human establishments which promise no salvation and amount to exercise in futility.
God designed a specific organic structure  (the local church) for the collective action of His children in Worship, evangelism, edification and benevolence. When the thing authorized is specified all other things in the same order or class are excluded. For example, God told Noah (Gen. 6:14) to make an ark of gopher wood. Noah, in obedience used gopher wood which had been specified by God. Noah would have sinned if he used any other kind of wood since God had specified gopher wood. Obedience demands that Christians must not devise any other organic structure either smaller or larger or parallel to the local church as specified by God. (Acts. 14:23; Phil1:1). But when the thing authorized is generic in nature, this gives liberty to adopt whatever method or means considered expedient enough to fulfill the thing authorized. For example the command to go Mark 16:15
     God by divine wisdom has set up the church, the only organization sufficient to accomplish His purpose and other organization is an addition to the word of God (Rev. 22:18 -19). We must therefore be satisfied with His will and disregard all human organizations set up which are threatening and competing with the local church.
Morotoluwa I.B.
March 7th, 2017.


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