The Work, Qualifications and Support of a Preacher

TOPIC: The Work, Qualifications and Support of a Preacher
By Bro. KAYODE Adekunle.

There is no doubt about the fact that what can be said to be the most important theme of the bible is the conception and execution of the plan of salvation. The whole plan that came out of the wisdom and prudence of God (Eph1:7-8); revolves round Christ coming into the world to save man from eternal perdition. According to the plan, Christ is to bring to man the message of salvation; the gospel, which the bible calls ‘the power of God on to salvation’ Rom1:16. For a sinner to be saved, he must hear the gospel and believe it and be baptized Mark16:15-16.When Christ came into the world He appointed 12 men (the Apostles) to work with him John17:8. Part of the plan was also for Him to establish His kingdom (the church) on earth. For the gospel to be preached and for the church to be taught and stabilized, the bible confirms He put some personnel in place (apart from the Apostles). One of these personnel is the Evangelist (also known as the Preacher) Eph4:11
Who is a Preacher?
The word preacher is derived from the Greek word ‘kerux’ which is used to mean a herald, messenger, or proclaimer. This is used in the statement of Paul to Timothy in 11 Tim4:2 and what he said about himself in 1Tim2:7. Other terms used for the preacher in the New Testament are ‘evangelist’ form the Greek word ‘euaggelistes’ who is also a proclaimer of good news Acts21:8; Eph4:11; 11Tim4:5 and the word ‘minister’ derived from the Greek word ‘diakonos’ which means a servant. Though this term is not exclusively used for the preacher in the New Testament (1Tim3:8; 12 for deacons), Paul enjoined Timothy a preacher to “be a good minister of Jesus Christ” in 1Tim4:6.
The Work of a Preacher.
It must first be noted that as a Christian and as a member of the church, his Christian duties are just the same with other members of the congregation he is a member of Acts11:26. However, as a preacher or an evangelist, he has some peculiar responsibilities that are clearly spelt out in the New Testament. His importance (by the role he plays in the plan of salvation Rom10: 13-15) can never be over emphasized, no wonder the Holy Spirit has this to say to him “Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine, continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you” 1Tim4:16.
He is expected to preach the word (11Tim4:1-5). No doubt, this is the most important work that the preacher is expected to do. In this regard, he is both responsible to both the believers and the unbelievers. The preacher must seize every opportunity that will make it possible for him to reach out to the lost souls (Paul’s example in 1 Cor9:19-23).
In preaching and teaching the word, he must make sure that sound doctrine of Christ is not compromised in any way. Timothy was charged to ‘hold fast the pattern of sound words” which he heard from Paul 11Tim1:13. He is equally charged to “guard what was committed into his trust” 1Tim6:20.
He must be ready at all times to teach the brethren and put them in the mind of truth (Atcs20:26-27) so as to ensure their growth Eph4:12-15 and soundness 1Tim4:6, Tit2:1; 3:1, Titus is to “affirm constantly his teachings Titus3:8. The preacher must be ready to work with and teach responsibilities of various groupings within the church: older men and women; younger men and women, family obligations; widows; elders; servants; the rich; false teachers (1Tim5; 6; Tit2:1-6)
Part of the work of the preacher is to reprove sinners (even an elder) when the occasion to do so arises, this must be done without favour or partiality 1Tim5:19-22. He must be able and ready to effectively use the scripture to regularize the affairs of the church 11Tim3:16-17
Furthermore, the preacher is expected to ‘set things in order’ Tit1:5; this simply means he must play a very active role in seeing that elders and deacons are appointed in a congregation where there are qualified men to attain such responsibilities. He must teach the qualifications and lead in the appointment process 1Tim3:1-7, Tit1:5-9.
The preacher must see that he protects the church from all forms of false teachers and doctrine (both within and without Matt24:24; Acts20:29-30) through his teaching 1Tim1:3-4; Tit1:11; 13. The souls of members of the church must be protected, in this regard, the preacher must be vigilant to spot quickly any kind of error or heresy, he will be able to do this when he gives himself to studying 11Tim2:15 and avoids getting involved in any kind of disputes 11Tim2:23 that can bring distractions.
Another work of the preacher is to make preachers and teachers out of the brethren, this involves teaching and training them to become teachers in the church and for those that are willing; preachers of the word 11Tim2:2; Eph4:12-15.
Wrong Perception of the Work of a Preacher
Many in the church feel that work of the evangelist is to go out into the world and preach to unbelievers. It is a great error to believe this. Certainly the preacher must do so, but the great commission applies to all Christians, not just the preacher (Matt28:19-20; Mark16:15-16; Acts 8:4)
Likewise many feel that the preacher's role is simply that of servant in the church. He is the one who visits the hospitals and prisons, and who cares for the elderly and infirmed and engage in hospitality. This too is part of his work as a Christian. But all Christians are to be involved in these things. (Matt 25: 34-40; Gal6:10; James2:15-16.

Qualifications of a Preacher
There are two vital considerations that must be considered when talking about the qualifications of a preacher, these two are; his ability to teach and his life style. As a basic requirement, a preacher must have the ability to teach and be able to convince his audience from the scriptures, not only the ability, he must also as a matter of utmost importance, have the courage to say and stand by the truth at all times Jude 3. He is charged to ‘instruct, command, commit, convince, preach, rebuke, exhort and teach’ 1Tim4:6; 16; 5:7; 11Tim4:2, for him to be able to do these in faith and good conscience, he needs to be sound in the word and of course he needs courage (like a soldier) to withstand false teachers both within and without. 11Tim2:3-4.
The preacher’s life style is equally of great importance. He is expected to live a life style that will support what he preaches. He is charged to “take heed of himself” in 1Tim4:16, this simply means he has to live a life of example to the brethren 1Tim4:12. Paul charged all Christians to imitate him as he does Christ 1Cor11:1 (Christ’s example Acts1:1), this charge, no doubt is even more for a preacher for his work to be effective. The preacher must be humble, gentle and patient, he must make sure at all times that he does not put himself above the word 1Cor4:6; Gal6:3 or put himself in any position that will make him compromise the word 11Tim2:22-26.
Support of a Preacher
The New Testament teaches that the preacher must be paid for the work he does. 1Cor9:9-14. We have example of Paul receiving wages form Macedonian and Philippian churches 11Cor11:8; Phil4:15; 1:3-5. Brethren must make sure that the preacher is paid ‘adequately’, of course it is imperative to know that it can only commensurate with the purse of the church. As much as the bible does not want a preacher to become a ‘hireling’John10:13; the brethren in turn must make sure they don’t do things or take measures that will ‘force’ the preacher to become ineffective as a result of not being able to provide basic things for himself and his family. Individual brothers and sisters must also know that it is part of their Christian obligations to take good care of their preacher Gal6:6
The work of a preacher is a very sensitive one, there are souls at stake (including that of the preacher) Rom10:13-15. As a result of this, the preacher must be diligent and conscientious enough to realize the gravity of the work he does. He must be prayerful and have the spirit of endurance, knowing fully well that persecution both within and outside the fold will come his way 11Tim3:12. The brethren on their part must encourage the preacher by their good conduct and obedience to the word of God that he teaches them and avoid carnality in taking decisions about the preacher especially, his wages.


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