"I Had An Abortion"
Jennifer Baumgardner’s life will never be the same. Since her days in college she has been a pro-abortion activist. She relishes the opportunity to protest against pro-life advocates. She hates religion, Christianity in particular, and loves to mock and ridicule the “mental midgets” that follow such foolishness. Yet, these principles will not make her stand out in the annals of time. No, her fame comes from a T-shirt.

In recent years, pro-life organizations have been trying to warn women about the mental, emotional and even physical dangers of abortion – dangers pro-abortionists have tried to play down and even deny. A few months ago, Jennifer Baumgardner became fed up with the parade of women who regretted having an abortion. So she designed a T-shirt which proudly proclaims, “I had an abortion.”

The shirt has ignited a moral firestorm. The pro-life camp views the shirt as an attempt to mock those women hurting from their abortions. Some pro-abortionists see the shirt as an unnecessary catalyst to heated debate. Other pro-abortionists think the shirts help break down the societal stigma of abortions.

What does God think about Baumgardner’s fashion sense? Abortion kills God-created life. God hates “shedding of innocent blood,” Proverbs 6:17. Who is more innocent than the child slain before he is born? God hates abortion.

Anything people do to promote abortion is also abhorred by God. Baumgardner and Planned Parenthood (the international organization dedicated to legalizing abortion) disregard God’s will as they promote their shirts and other products. They bask in their clever ideas and pro-abortion schemes. But what if their shirts told the whole story? Would they be as proud and willing to wear similar shirts?

How about a shirt proclaiming, “I murdered my baby” or “I had my child killed”? These carry the same meaning as “I had an abortion.” For the abortion doctor, Baumgardner could design a shirt saying, “I kill babies,” or “Hitman for the womb.”

For women who had late term partial birth abortions, a shirt could read, “I had my baby partially delivered, stabbed in the back of the head and its brains sucked out with a vacuum tube.” For those whose abortions were botched, the shirt could read, “My doctor botched my abortion, so he killed the baby after it was born.”

These shirts will not make the new Fall line up. However, these will be the sins branded on the souls of those who support and promote abortion.

Christians everywhere need to unite in a vocal outcry against all sin, including abortion. Through prayer, teaching and encouragement, Christians can change a culture of death into one that respects life – all life. The time to sit back and hope abortion goes away is long past. The time to stand up for righteousness has come.
Sam Dilbeck


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